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Online now: 0 members ; 9 anonymousDiscussion: Is there a poundage/inch pounds pass/fail test for Sr bats?
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April 2 bandylegs17 Men's 65 15 posts | Is there a poundage/inch pounds pass/fail test for Sr bats? I ask cause a local low level senior co-ed day league is now testing Sr bats which only women and men are allowed to use.They have no idea what poundage figures they're looking for on the SR bats. All others must use USA/ASA bats. |
April 3 JohnO28 Men's 50 139 posts | Is there a poundage/inch pounds pass/fail test for Sr bats? There is no cutoff number in Senior softball. If they are making up their own rules and testing Senior bats then for their individual league they can set their own number. But Senior bats aren't designed or built to any testing standards besides the 1.21 BPF which is the industry standard. Senior bats have no minimum compression number. |
Aug. 20 Soup-e10 22 posts | Is there a poundage/inch pounds pass/fail test for Sr bats? SSUSA is 140lbs |