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Discussion: Age 50: Looking to join a team in Texas

From San Antonio texas
Thursday night 50 league in San Antonio, look at sassl.org website to get Bill altman number to hook you up with a team, good luck.
Email more details about yourself including height, weight, tournament team experience, ability to run your own bases, home run power ability, average tournament (not league) batting average, and most important your abilty to travel and afford travel and share of tournament expenses to alangohlke@aol.com.

Coach, Texas Silverbacks Major Tournament Softball team
Thanks guys,
what about Carlito's are they a good team?
sending you an e-mail alan.

Played Carilto's several times. Good team and a good bunch of guys.

I hear carilto's picked up langer, who's on the there team.
the best if not the best 50's team in San Antonio. Normally due well in torunament play.
How can I get ahold on the coach of Carilto's

Soup-e10, you will need to contact the San Antonio Senior Softball League (SASSL), the league will assign you to a 50's team. Contact:
Bill Altman, baltman@sassl.org,
210-872-8135 or http://sassl.org/
Capt Kirk
Soup-e10, Austin Old School may need some players. Contact their coach, fdelmo10@sbcglobal.net with the same information that PlanoPlayer asked for. I think that they are playing in a tournament in Austin this weekend which might be a good opportunity to see if it is a fit both ways for you and the team.

Good luck!
Is there a tournament in San Antonio this weekend at Alva-Joe for seniors.

San Antonio Senior Games game are this weekend at Alva-Joe, Don't know if Carilto's are playing in the 50 Division this weekend.
Are they going to have a 50+ division

I think so, schedule due out today sometime.
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