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Details for Hail Ragna!

Real name:
Kirk Hendrix

Seattle, WA

Men's 55

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Dec. 5, 2019
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth

I know that Miken/Worth has upped their game in the bat business again. They should be able to always stay on top... I don't understand it sometimes. I try to stay up with the jones. Have not posted in a while. Went on a very long work program over seas....
So now I am trying to figure out the best bat to get to get back into it. I have heard really good things about the Ultra Fusions and the Worth bats. I would like to know is the Worth product different than the Miken designs. Friend of mine has been hitting the bats and he believes the technology is basically the same in both brands. Is this what you know or speculate on... Why is your bat the best selling one?

Hail Ragna
March 3, 2019
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats

I deal with a player in the Kansas area that can get me some certain bats that I am looking for. Somebody is hijacking the bats some how because of the price I pay for the bats. I do not ask any questions as long as this person continues to deliver. We were both talking to a person that thinks they are a bat tech guy you can say... My question is how can one person on one side of the country go out and actually do a video of himself testing the bat and then some other players on the other side of the country say they are blowing up the bats. Is someone sabotaging the bats for Dudley. When you make a run of bats don't that batch pretty much play the same through out. That is my point.I have been following the Senior Reviews lately only because what he say seems like it is the gospel and he knows someone in the industry. I am waiting to see how the latest HOTW bats he was supposed to get. How did they play? The bats Carlos showed all played pretty good. Do not know what to believe. Have a tourney coming up soon in Washington and I have one of the 2.0 Dudleys from before with very little swings on it. I guess I will not be buying any bats for awhile yet. Don't want to buy a bat and then have it break. That is a hassle dealing with the Team Dealers.... Thanks for the good info everyone.

Hail Ragna!
Feb. 25, 2019
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

Yes a friend of mine just got one (don't want to mention people's names) reason being I am not sure on who to put the blame on. If you buy the bat because of someone's recommendation that is on you. I am now seeing reviewers tell you that if you are this weight this bat won't be any good for you...You are too young and strong so it won't work for you... Or this one is perfect because you are older and the barrel is softer. It has got me confused.

This isn't related but he broke his HOTW 27 oz in a batting cage with Evil bp balls. He had over 100 swings on the bat as 4 guys were hitting. Inside the temp was 72 degrees. The weather is crappy anyways so I can't go out and hit. Maybe I will go down to California and hit with some teammates.

You need to go back to basics yourselves fellas and buy the bat and hit it yourself. Then this way you will know for yourself... You only live once so go get one and hit it and find out! I am not relying on other peoples views.. Not anymore!

Hail Ragna!
Dec. 31, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Miken Freak Pro Jason Kendrick 2pc compared to Worth Wicked XL 2pc

Tri18, I have been told that the bats are basically the same..1/2 inch, please! I guess from all of your working with the engineers is paying off. Why is your bat the number one selling bat in the country? Unbelievable. I heard the Jason Kendrick was selling the best out of the Miken and Worth bats. Just saying... That gets old! I have heard great things about the Dudley HotW. What about the Adidas? The best part is that there is only so many things you can do with Composite.. 18 years they have been working on Composite. All of a sudden something new... It is mostly hype when selling the same thing with a different paint job...

Hail Kirk!
Seattle Seahawks All The Way!
Sept. 9, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Miken and Worth Senior bats for 2019

Alan, can you share with us how many prototypes they sent you to test to determine the bat was right? Also did Bob O'Brien and the others names on the bat help with the testing? Would love to hear your input on designing a bat? The different things you do to perfect the ultimate softball bat!

Hail Ragna!
Aug. 20, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Kudos on new balls

A friend of mine inspected (took apart) both balls the new one and then the X-Rock ball used in Vegas. The only difference is the outside cover is now synthetic. Should do a great job...

Hail Ragna!

Aug. 13, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Kudos on new balls

No the SSUSA ball will not fly exactly like the X-Rock. The difference is the leather. Synthetic leather will never fly like leather. Nuff said. But the ball will fly good in any conditon twice as good as the Stote 44/375. Proven Fact.

Hail Ragna!
Aug. 8, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Kudos on new balls

My bad. The only difference is the cover is Synthetic! Forgot that....

Hail Ragna!

Aug. 8, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Kudos on new balls

The new Trump balls will play just fine in any kind of weather. It is the same exact ball as the ISA X-Rock with Microcell Technology that they use in Las Vegas for the last 6 or 7 years. One of my best friends knows this for a fact. You can go on and on all you want. The new Trump ball is not new. It is the same ball as Alan Tanners Team 1 Sports softball. Now the SSUSA will have less complaining about balls.Baden does not have the technology to build the same ball as SSUSA. They can pump up the cor/comp all they want. When it gets hot out the compression will go down. No Matter What. Good luck with the Trump/Stote ball. As long as they are all the same ball you should hear no more complaints. Friend of Will Sonnet.

No Brag Just fact!

Hail Ragna!
May 8, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Softball for 2018

I was talking with a good friend of mine that knows a little bit about the softballs. The softballs you are waiting on are 44/375 core balls with Micro-cell technology. The one thing that is different is the cover. The cover is Synthetic. The insides are the same as the ISA Micro-cell Rock that you now use in the SSUSA in Vegas. The Trump Evil Micro Cell is made of a Leather cover. If it has Evil on it, then it is leather....The Stote balls are made of leather cover. The Trump/Stotes are synthetic with no Micro-cell technology. The heat effects them the most. That is why they play so terrible when it is hot out...I have looked at Alan Tanners Team 1 Sports balls. I wish I had an answer to help your Associaiton make the right decision.. Good Luck

Hail Ragna!
March 4, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

Sorry to say but I was told by someone once someone was testing compressions in the Miken Truck. Just saying that I think he was telling players there bats were ready to break because of the compression and that is a good way to try and sell a bat. Can't be positive on that one.. Maybe someone else saw that.... If not then we know it was BS someone sold me for 3.50 cents for a cold pepsi...

Hail Ragna!
March 3, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

Is anybody allowed to sell bats now on this forum? I see certain people still putting their phone numbers and say give me a call. I am not sure on how one person can tell you how one bat hits from other bats. Then proceed to put their little posts about the bat. Then contact them if you need one. I had some extra money a little while back before I spent it on the boat and was wondering about selling bats at a better discounted price then certain people. Was trying to maybe help the little guy. Is a certain number to sell the bats on here. I keep getting these emails from someone that does sell bats. I just trash can them. How do these people get your email addresses. I never gave out my email but yet I must be on some list somewhere.

I do like the Wintercrest for my young lady. She likes the smell as I work on things....

Hail Ragna!
Feb. 28, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

Dave, I took my sailboat out today and did enjoy the ride. I did not mean to open the discussion for altered bats. So please forgive me if these gentleman are back to it again. The bottom line is you do not need any type of enhancement for the bats. Just swing the right bats and you won't create any problems for yourselves. The best one is when someone buys a bat and wants to pay the person they buy it from 25 to 30 dollars to break the bat in. That might be the best one yet. Fools I say. Just hit the bats like you would when you were younger and enjoy the full life of your own bat. The reason I know, I bought a bat from a certain source and he said I can make it hotter for you by putting swings on it before I send it to you. I would bet money the bat was never touched but I paid the extra 30.00 for the break in... Just the way it is.. Buy a bat and have fun...

Hail Ragna!
Feb. 28, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

I have to laugh when players actually think that heat treating, Cyogenics, and the other ideas they have are ways of making their bat that much better. You either never played any good ball in your life if you have to do anything additional to a Senior bat. When I hear of players shaving their bats it makes me wonder. Why would you want to play ball after 50 if you have to alter the equipment. I would quit on the spot if I had to do that. That's it. Bottom line. I am not hitting the ball like I used to when I played USSSA in Oregon and Washington. So I will either be satisfied with where I am at or quit on the spot... Guess what I am done with slo-pitch. I just bought a new sailboat and will do that instead of shaving my bat. I never shaved my bats but I can see where Senior softball is headed. Sorry Dave for the negative post but it gets old listening to these guys complain... So instead of heat treating my bat I am going go heat treat some young lady who appreciates a sugar daddy!

Hail Ragna!
Feb. 13, 2018
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Vegas tournament 2/17-2/19

The games are played at two of the best fields in Vegas I was told. Said they are being played on Sunset and Shadow Rock. Should be some good games. Good Luck to everyone.

Hail Ragna!
Dec. 20, 2017
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Dudley bat question

The new Dudley is the same as the first two models I have been told. I have also been told by the fly on the crapper wall that the Dudley and Adidas all came down the same shoot... I could be wrong for sure because I don't follow the bats too much. I am willing to bet that the bats are made by the same guy...

Hail Ragna!
Dec. 4, 2017
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA Convention Minutes

I don't know if anyone saw this or not. I took a look at the minutes and it looks like SSUSA has changed the ball for 2018 season... Copied from the minutes from the convention -

Effective for the 2018 Tournament Season, the Official SSUSA
Softball Specification is the BSN 44 cor/375 compression Micro‐Cell Technology
STOTE optic yellow softball. The change was made to address
concerns regarding consistent performance in varying environmen
tal conditions, specifically noticeable
with high temperatures and/or humidity. This softball will be
the official ball for all except the
LVSSA/SSUSA Southwest and World Masters Championships in
Las Vegas, which will use ”The Rock”
softball. The BSN TRUMP softball may still be used, or purchased, while supplies last.

I don't know about you but I believe this is fantastic news for SSUSA...
Congrats on making the change...

Hail Ragna
Nov. 15, 2017
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Trump Softball

I believe from earlier conversations that the Team 1 Ball by Alan Tanner was Synthetic and not composite cover..... I could be wrong but what is the difference between a synthetic and composite cover. So the balls they hit in Vegas are Premium Leather?

Hail Ragna!
Nov. 14, 2017
Hail Ragna!
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Trump Softball

What is so different about Alan Tanners ball? If it is the 44/375 are they not the same ball? Just curious. I myself like to hit the X-Rock in Vegas....

Hail Ragna!

Aug. 21, 2017
Hail Ragna!
Topic: Bats
Discussion: NEW ! Worth Wicked Senior bat

I had heard recently that you were gong to be Miken's new front man when it comes to all of their bat technology. I think that is a good move since you have been testing most of the bats that come down the highway. Since you did the testing can you tell us ahead of time is it going to be a long time for break in or will it be hot right out of the wrapper.

Hail Ragna
Kirk Hendrix
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