March 21, 2024 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Registration Click on Tournaments above and then Forms. |
June 15, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Playing in different age/classes If you play 55-AAA, you will automatically be considered 60 Major and from what I am being told, you would now be 65 Major Plus. A few players on my 50 Major team played on a 40 Major team and they are now automatically rerated to 50 Major Plus. |
June 15, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: player ratings If your playing 40's Major and also play on a 50's Major Team, you are automictically rated to 50 Major Plus and considered a chip on your 50's Major team. |
May 25, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Player Ratings David, Here is what I found in the rules and says that you can only play in the same or equivalent skill level when playing two age levels. I've reached out to Sacramento. 4.2(6) • PLAYING IN TWO AGE DIVISIONS A player may play in two age divisions under the following conditions: A. Player is playing in two separate age divisions. EXAMPLE: One team is in the 55+ division and the other is in the 60+ division; AND B. A player can only play on a team in the same or equivalent skill level when playing in two age divisions. EXAMPLE: A player on a 55-Major division team cannot play on a 50-AA division team unless the 50-AA team has an approved “out-of-rating” roster exemption available. 4.2(7) • MAJOR-PLUS PLAYER RESTRICTION Major-Plus players may only play on Major-Plus or Major teams in their same age group. Players who have no Major or Major-Plus team in their region OR players who are determined not to be Major-Plus caliber by SSUSA may request an exemption in writing. |
May 25, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Player Ratings Scenario: I already know the answer to this but being told something different and know that Mr. Dowell will be able to clear up the confusion. If a player is playing on a 50's Major team and is labeled as a Major Player, then decides to play on a 40's Major team in the same year, does this automatically make him 50's Major Plus because he is on a 40's Major Roster? |
May 3, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: 50's tournaments canceled There are really not that many 50 teams here. We have three associations battling each other and they do not get along, so they schedule tournaments the same weekend and fight to get teams. What ends up happening is either a tournament gets cancelled or they move the 50 teams to the 40's bracket. I believe most 50 tournaments have an avg of 4 or 5 teams. |
April 4, 2022 CaliBraves | Topic: Bats Discussion: Cold weather Purchase a $30 Walmart bat and swing away. If you decide to use your Senior bat and it cracks, don't expect a manufacturer to replace it. Remember, cold balls will break bats as well. |
Dec. 27, 2021 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Senior Rock & Stote softballs Thanks Dave. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & Fran. |
Dec. 26, 2021 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Senior Rock & Stote softballs Can anyone let me know where I can purchase Senior Rock or Stote softballs? Kevin |
Nov. 8, 2021 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 40 Major Plus division Winter Worlds My apologies, I did not realize there were no 40 Major Plus teams attending. Hope to see out there. |
Nov. 8, 2021 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 40 Major Plus division Winter Worlds Good morning Dave, I noticed that 40 Major Plus was not listed on the tentative field assignments. Will they be at Caesar Chavez with the rest of the 40's teams? |
Dec. 8, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: Product review Discussion: Trump Rock I rarely respond to any discussions on here, but this time wanted to share my opinion. For the majority of us playing in Seniors today, we all remember swinging the aluminum bats. During this time, you had base hitters and only true HR hitters hit HR's. It's how the game was meant to be played. Today, everyone in the lineup can hit it out because of technology. I say bring on the mush ball. The only ones complaining will be the guys who batting average drops from .800 to .475, because they are not hitting 3 HR's every game. Playing in the Arizona heat during the summer, we at times have issues with the ball becoming mushy and the next thing you know everyone is complaining saying no one is going to hit a HR today. Not a true statement, it only means, you're not going to hit a HR today. Maybe next time during batting practice you will work on your basehits instead of the long ball. This statement is not directed towards anyone. It is only my personal opinion. Kevin Bourgeois |
Oct. 24, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Winter World Tune-Up Phoenix Anyone know if the bracket is out for the Winter World Tune-Up tournament? If so, please tell! Kevin |
Oct. 15, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: Bats Discussion: Durable Bats Gary Heifner, To answer all your questions: Age: 52 Height: 6'1" Weight: 250lbs I play 40 Major Plus & 50 Major's. I am told I hit the ball hard. See post "Who is he" under General & Misc. I only take 50 to maybe 100 swings on a senior bat then it stays in my bag Rarely do I let anyone else use my bat. I play twice a month sometimes more. Average about 800 to 900 swings per year. I hear guys saying they have over 2000 swings on a bat that has been out for a year. Only if they are sharing or using for batting practice. |
Oct. 14, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: Bats Discussion: Durable Bats I was cracking 3 or 4 bats (Miken, Demarini) a season and usually play a minimum of 2 times a month. When Dudley sent me the Lightning endload to use, I was of coarse impressed with the pop and tacky barrel, but more important, I am going on two plus years and still have the same bat. Not a crack or anything lose within the barrel. "I probably just jinxed myself" This is generation one Dudley and although it should not make a difference, I have heard from others saying theirs cracked within one season. Please note, I do not use mine in batting practice, so if you are complaining about how your bat does not last, get a good 50 swings on it then put it in your bag and leave it for games only. |
Oct. 9, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Who is he? Thank you all for the kind words. It is nice to know that other players see my love for the game. I would take a win any day over a long HR though. Doug, Thank you for allowing me to play with Grants Posse. You are all a bunch of great players & teammates. |
Sept. 19, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 50's Field Assignments Have the field assignments been determined for 50's Major & Major Plus? |
Sept. 8, 2016 CaliBraves | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Vendors Anyone know where I can purchase the Rock ball? |