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Details for Foothills

Real name:
John Barrow
Sonora CA
Men's 55

Messages posted by Foothills

Jan. 13, 2025
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Rolled bats

Dave Velasquez that was a utube bat tester for years and works with engineers now at Short Porch says ," that bat rolling does not add anymore to performance than breaking it in by hitting and says it actually extends the life of the bat ".
I would tend to believe him more than people who do not have his depth of experience .

In any case , you are right about new bats breaking in in 40 or less hits . They are starting out new at sub 200 compression . So now it is a moot point .
June 4, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Which Ball travels further: ASA or SSUSA

Bottom line is :

Ju is correct .

Microcell balls are made to not suffer in the heat .

The ball used did suffer from heat .

Does help teams who do not have as much power .

It is a $ dollar thing .

If teams were told it cost 50 dollars more for guarantee of good ball in heat they would pay .

If there is no choice have to put up with it or not play and this is realized .

Aug. 12, 2017
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: MONEY

Stote is no fun in Sacramento summers .

Fortunately not a problem if you live in NorCal .

NCSSA uses the "Fire" ball . Which is better than the Stote and not as good as the Rock . A good compromise .

Only 3 tournaments in this area for SSUSA . Rock-In-Reno and the Westerns and the State .

The elevation in Reno compensates for the Stote . So good to go there .

Then don`t play the Westerns and the State .Still have NCSSA tournament`s almost every weekend as an option . I think a lot of teams are doing this . Noted by the small amount of teams in the above mentioned tournaments .

The "Worlds" use the Rock . So no problem there . You know you are not traveling to Vegas and putting in your dollars to hit a sock .

Works for me .

June 14, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Trump ball used in Reno - 40 Major plus

Marv , I stand corrected if the 1 degree vs, 5 degree is the formula . But I still believe that a better ball should be used in heat . If the reg. is 375 , then we should use something that is 375 . Goes for both ways . If the ISSA rock is 500 .
June 9, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Trump ball used in Reno - 40 Major plus

I read on a board awhile back this explanation of temps and ball performance . It stated , that all balls except the Rock lose approximately 5 lbs of compression for every degree over 72 . So do the math and you know why you are hitting a sock at higher temps . Saftey is not the reason the Stote is used . You all can probably figure out the reason why . Also , I do not see why everyone acts like hitting the Rock is an unnatural advantage . It just stays at the rated compression level no matter the temp. So why is hitting the SSUSA designated compression an advantage ?
May 9, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: NOR-CAL State championships

Great . Foskett , warm weather and Trump balls . Worst tournament of the year . I cannot understand why we signed up for this again .
May 2, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Combat Rocket Launcher

I back Mark up on this . Gets hotter and hotter . I play in Modesto and have a balanced and end loaded version . If anyone wants to hit the balanced one let me know . I keeping the end load for myself :)
April 18, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rocket Launcher

Update . I have been hitting a proto type balanced 27 version since early March and a " finished " EL version since first of April .

Both bats fairly hot out of wrapper . Newer version more so . But , as with any senior bat , you need to put some hits on them to get the performance you are looking for .

I have over 700 hits on proto bat . No signs of wear . Bat started really performing around 150 hits . It is now very hot . Distance wise I getting more consistent distance than the Big Cat or the Dudley . On your best swing. Right on the other two bats` sweet spots .You will get pretty close to the same distance .Launch maybe 10 feet more . But the Launcher achieved max distance a lot more consistently . Bat continued to get hotter and hotter past the 150 hit target "ala" the old original grey Combat .

The EL "finished product is at 300 hits and is outperforming the balanced version for max distance . By about another 10 feet . This is due to the huge end load . I would recommend dropping down an oz. from normal EL swing weights .

All in accordance to my experience and swing style . But, in my opinion , this bat is as advertised .
March 29, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat Rocket Launcher

Swings heavier than Big Cat . Would go down .
March 29, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat Rocket Launcher

My findings exactly Steve , so far . I have 200 hits on the finished version . It is really hitting for distance now and I have also noticed the movement on line drives . It is about 10 feet better in distance from broken in 2016 Big Cat . You are right . Big end load . I would also recommend 1 oz. less than you normally swing . Really looking forward to this bat when it gets another 100 on it .
March 24, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bats

kreugs --Will do . Going to put 100 on the new EL today . I will update around 300 . I want to make sure it is well broken in before reporting . Also , am told , that new composites , for the last couple of years hit a "flatline" in performance . This was done to allow them to heat up quicker and to have more durability . Unlike the ones from 6 , 7 years ago . Which kept getting better til they cracked . Supposedly the Rocket will have durability plus continue to get better until failure . I will follow up .
March 22, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Your opinion on best Senior Bat

Perf -- The first bat was a proto-type . The EL I just received is the finished product . It is the same construction , that will be sold .
March 21, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Your opinion on best Senior Bat

Been trying out a balanced version of the new Rocket Launcher bat from Kelly`s . Have put 500 hits so far in temperatures all between 55 and 70 degrees . Have used it with wet balls early etc. etc. Have purposely used bat in these situations to see how it will hold up . So far no problem . Bat is as hot as anything I have used to date . If it gets at least 1000 hits and continues to get better with additional hits , as it has , it will be a player . I have noticed , that composite bats from 8 years or so ago seemed to get better and better until they broke .The original grey combat was a perfect example . Not good at all when new . Then , as it got towards the end of its life , it was amazing . Over the last couple of years , they have seemed to reach a point and then flat line . Might just be my imagination . But , this has been my experience . This one so far has not . It will be interesting to see if Rocket continues to get better and lasts . I have just received a EL version . 150 hits . Very impressed so far . Will be interesting to compare , as time goes on .
March 12, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bats

kreug--My experience also . Last years Big Cat is out hitting the new Mikens .The new ones are more durable . But are not as good as last years for distance .

But , on another note . I have been hitting a balanced Rocket Launcher from Kelly . It is hitting right there with the Big Cat and it is a balanced vs. endload . I am getting the "finished " product next week . An EL version with a 1 and 1/2 oz. endload . If the balanced is hitting this well , then the EL should be better . I will update .
March 4, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Your opinion on best Senior Bat

Been swinging a balanced Rocket Launcher for the last two weeks . At a 100 hits it got good . Now with 300 plus it is very good . My opinion it is somewhat better than my Miken Big Cat . Looking forward to the endloaded version .
Oct. 12, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Winter World`s

That is unfortunate . The Stote does not hit well in temperatures above 80 . Which it will be in Phoenix .Fortunately the ball in Norcal hits well and we have the all temperature "Rock" in the Worlds . Some will still go to Westerns and the Winters with this ball . But , I know of more and more , that say they will not spend the money to go to a plus 80 degree tournament with the Stote . Me included .
Oct. 11, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Winter World`s

What ball is being used at the Winter Worlds ? Thanks
Sept. 12, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Ultra II Black

I talked to Kelly also . You are right . He said the main advantage was the longevity . Performance pretty much the same as existing Ultra`s .
June 14, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Best ball in Hot Weather

If the Baden is actually a 47 - 525 ,(i would like to see testing saying it is ), then that is why we should use it in plus 90 degree temperatures . Most balls , ( except the Xrock ) , lose approximately 5 lbs. of compression for every degree over 72 . So at 95 degrees a 525 ball would be still at around 400 lb. . Which is a lot closer to the 375 lb , that we are supposed to be hitting , than the 260 lb. or so that a Stote is at that temperature . I do not see anything wrong with that . If SSUSA does not want to pay for a Xrock , then the Baden Fire would be a good remedy . You act like we are whining or trying to have an unfair advantage by wanting a ball , that holds up in temperature . No . We just want a ball , that is still 375 like rules spec .
April 21, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Hot Bats and Hrs

I have found , that during my senior ball playing time , it is usually the guys , that cannot hit a home run even with a senior bat , that complain about hot bats making it to easy to hit home runs . Also , I agree , that the younger the bracket and the higher the level , there are more home runs . That is obvious . But I disagree , that they hit them at will . The pitching at that level somewhat compensates for the higher hitting ability . Most pitchers also realize , that a lot of guys will swing at a marginal pitch before walking . Which, also somewhat holds this down . Also , the drop off after 60 is just common sense . It happens gradually . So it goes somewhat unnoticed by the player . Swing speed , overall strength and stamina all tend to lower the power numbers . A good player will still have his moments . But he will have trouble doing it on a consistent basis on the second and third days of a tournament . IMHO
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