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Details for crusher

Real name:
James English
Wylie TX
Men's 75

Messages posted by crusher

Dec. 13, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Survey

JBTexas you got me. Yes, voted 1-1 as l hit the first pitch in my many zones.
And l also voted for a courtesy fowl.
Dec. 13, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Survey

Worked for me. You have 2 things to vote on.
Sept. 30, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: worth wicked

Big Cat, if you hit 2 off your hands it is ‘The Man’ swinging the bat and nothing to do with the bat!

Sept. 30, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Are you staying at AZ Charlies on boulder?

Diesel why carry sports bag down stairs? Do you get a reward?
Sept. 30, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: NEW ! Worth Wicked Senior bat

Lefty, thanks for the report.
Looking at online videos looked like this bat out of wrapping would just launch balls out of the park without any effort.
Your report sounds very real (for a legal bat).

For me a well broken in Big Cat is the most awesome bat.

Please DO report what you think after comparing the Wiked and Big Cat.

Aug. 13, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: shaved bats

HJ, my opinion, you do not need a new bat. My day league went to that ball and started letting us hit Senior bats.
I can hit fence or short hop fence.
You do need to make sure you cut the ball to get max distance.
A low Smoked line drive hit center bat center ball (260-275 feet) will go crazy at about 240 feet.

July 23, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: weight training

big cat7, one other thing discovered, you really need to relax your jaw and then on down to your shoulders. By lifting heavy you can tighten muscles up destroying flexibility and smooth swing.

You mentioned Tulsa, l played in senior league there about 15 years.

July 16, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 70 team team playing 65M in Vegas

Lefty, sounds like SSUSA office will need to answer. 916-326-5303
Just my guess.

July 16, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: weight training

I always kept my training heavy, changing routine by including exercise that stretches muscles to maintain flexibility. You can't have complete flexibility but can have say 85%.
I have crashed by stepping on a wet base in 8am game and because of muscle volume l pop up and continue on to 2nd base. May be half knocked out but not hurt physically.

Also if you are a power hitter you can maintain hr power into your 70's.
July 3, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: How best to position11 defensive players?

When old enough to play 11 speed slows down,
Hitting may still be at a high level.
20+ runs happen a lot.
OLD men can only run to the fences so many times in 95+ temp.
We still like to play though, having 11 defenders sure helps.
June 26, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: How best to position11 defensive players?

Just played a tour in Waxahachie Tx.
We only had 10 players.
The other team scored probably 6 or 7 runs by hitting up middle.
Without the 11 player as a 5th infielder up the middle this resulted in losing by 1 run.

June 6, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: what kind of stretching excise do you do before game time?

I like to do 5 push-ups, then 10, then 10 again.
This brings some heat to muscle and tissue.

Results, l can swing bat better, much better.

After push-ups do some stretching, throwing, etc.

I do not do pull-ups because I can't get my feet to clear the ground. lol truth

April 26, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Umpires- Pitching Rules

Please give me a flat pitch >............
March 11, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Sachse/Wylie Tx needs 65+ players

Bum-up 1 time
March 8, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Sachse/Wylie Tx needs 65+ players

Team based in Sachse.
Day league.
Plays Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 11:30 am.
Must be 65 to join team.
Skills, just hit,run,catch and throw.

Feb. 26, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: How to renew

SSUSA Staff, QUESTION. Have you ever tried to renew online? I just looked to see any links from my homepage and the SSUSA Homepage and did not find anything.
Have a great day.
Jan. 24, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Seniors 75 and over allowed to use composite bats?

100% U Can use Composite Bats.

Jan. 24, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Advice

Playing SS you have some time, However,
you may get put at 3rd base
and, WITH the Senior bats you may have about 1 second for
a ball to go from bat to even with 3rd base.

70+ men can hit a line shot over the fence with the Senior Bats.
So, if that shot gets pulled at the 3rd baseman, well?????

Been there and had it happen to me.

Jan. 13, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cataract Surgery

I wear bifocals (lined). I bought a pair of single focus sunglasses and found it did not work out good. When very use to bifocals it is hard to adjust (for me) to a single focus.

I tried Progressive a long time ago and found as a softball gets closer to you, especially batting the Progressive lenses tend to make the softball seem to curve because of the progressive magnification.
Jan. 8, 2017
Topic: Tournaments

Dave. Thanks.
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