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Aug. 22, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Neuropathy

Agree with all DCPete said. Want to add that if go on strict KETO diet with intermittent fasting can actually cure (no meds required and A1c below Type 2 threshold. Also helps, but can't cure, Type 1 which is thus far incurable but controllable.
Feb. 6, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Interference or incidental contact?

Disagree with BigBoy. Your interpretation is batter is out if the interference was for the purpose of negating the DP. I wish that were the rule, but the rule doesn't say that. It is not a question of the runner's intent. Per the rule it is a question of whether in fact the runner prevented what would have been a DP from happening. As I read it and don't like it, the ump has to determine whether the DP would have happened but for the interference. A judgement call. Better rule would be if runner interferes the batter is also out, period. And yes this could be a penalty.
Oct. 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Help

Our rec league has heard good things about the new Trump Stote used by SSUSA. We would like to use the same ball next year for our local league.
Where can the ball be purchased and what is the exact identifying numbers letter etc.
Thank you very much.
June 26, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Terminology

I have been told that if an illegal pitch is thrown (too high or too low) and not called, and then hits the strike mat and the batter does not swing, that the umpire can call this a ball and say I should have called the illegal pitch. Basically the theory being to make it right.
1. Is this correct? Can the ump do this?
2. If correct, I can't find a reference to it in the SSUSA rules or in the ASA rules. Is there one?
June 9, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Was The ump

Thanks to all. Just to complicate things I checked my 2016 ASA rules. Pursuant to rule 2. K, there is specific language which says that IF takes precedence over the intentionally dropped ball, so we are back to IF as in original post. I didn't find the SSUSA intentional dropped ball provision addressing this so it is unclear to me under SSUSA what happens if IF called and intentionally dropped is called. The difference is that under SSUSA dropped ball the play is dead but under IF runners can run at own risk. ????????
June 7, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Was The ump

Our first baseman is very smart and a certified ump. No outs, men on 1st and 2nd and easy popup to first baseman. Ump correctly calls IF. First baseman gets under ball and intentionally lets it drop. He hope a runner will take the bait and try to advance.

No one moves. Ump goes to first baseman and gives him a formal warning that if he ever tries that again he will throw him out of the game for unsportsman behavior. Is the ump right or wrong or is there a nuanced answer.
May 31, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Is the infield fly rule based on physical ability to catch the ball?

Thank you Nancy. I totally agree that it is judgment and I think you have also correctly answered the original question of this post. That is, routine is a judgment call based on the ability of infielders and there original starting position.

For example, if a left-handed pull hitter is up who never hits it to 3rd and the defense is way over shifted to the right side then what would normally be a "routine" pop-up to the 3rd basemen is not routine because the defense chose not to be anywhere near where the ball was hit. Call IF here simply gives the defense a cheap out and awards a bad decision with an out. IMO the ump should always consider who the fielders are and where they are in making the judgment of "routine".
May 30, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Is the infield fly rule based on physical ability to catch the ball?

I play in a senior rec league. I have constantly seen IF called on balls which are never touched by a fielder. Everyone understands the purpose of the rule is to protect the runners from a cheap DP. If the fielders can't get to the ball do you really think they have the ability to turn it into a DP. You aren't protecting the runners, you are giving the defense an out they don't deserve. In younger leagues where the arms are better and the reflexes faster more IF's makes sense;in older divisions it is a gift to the defense.
March 3, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

Just curious and don't know the answer to this. I know shaving, rolling etc. is rampant in senior softball because it makes the combination of bat and 44/375 hotter. My question is does altering an ASA bat change the effectiveness of that bat and a 52/300 ball?
Feb. 24, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Insurance companies are not your friend either in this discussion. Often insurance companies dictate to businesses and homeowners' associations changes which have to be made to obtain insurance. Once they are burned because of a "dangerous" ball they will not want to be burned again
Feb. 24, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous

If you pose a question to an attorney about the liability of using a ball with a Severity Index of 500 which can't crack skulls and a ball with a Severity Index of 1800 which can crack skulls it is a no-brainer what the attorney will say. It is quite possible the Park & Rec director has no choice in this matter. His legal dept. may have ruled on this. We all sign waivers but a major lawsuit on this may change everything.
Feb. 21, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

It was a spring BP session before league play started. Can't be 100% sure. Most likely was an old game ball which would have been an ASA certified 44/375. Unlike the 52/300 I believe the 44/375 are more dangerous in the colder weather (and also more dangerous to senior bats).

Feb. 20, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

Kevin, fair question. As you know, I am in a league which uses 44/375s exclusively. You have told me 44/375s range from 1800 to 2400. I don't control the ball used by my league. If it were my choice, we would use the 52/300s which are clearly much safer. Sometimes a journey starts with small steps. By furnishing both BP balls at my expense I am hoping to educate my fellow league members. I encourage the use of face masks. This is personal for me because last spring I was about 15 feet from an infielder who caught one on the check. It resulted in broken bones, concussion, vision problems and significant out of pocket medical expenses.
Feb. 19, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

Bill, I suggest that to get an answer to your question you speak to Kevin directly as I have done a few times. There are many combinations of cor and comp with differing Severity Indices. I have just purchased a doz each of A D Starr's BP balls. The blue/yellow one is a 52/300 with a severity index of 500 and the green/yellow one is a 47/500 with a severity index of about 1100. Per Kevin the 47/500 is obviously less safe, but conversely will play closer to the prevailing 44/375s.
Additionally the 52/300 won't break bats as fast as the 44/375s.

Feb. 19, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

NX3 is not a specific cor or compression. It is a totally sealed ball which does not absorb water. It can be found on the A D Starr website.
It comes in many different configurations. Actually the cor is more important to the severity index of the ball since the higher the cor the more the impact is spread out. The lower cor balls (e.g., 44/375) concentrates the force with a resulting higher severity index.
Feb. 13, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

Facts are facts and it is very dangerous to cite personal anecdotes.

For a personal anecdote about 6 years ago I got hit in the leg pitching BP with a 44/375. It was indented with a 1/4 inch hole for 6 months and took longer than that to heal and I am left with a permanent flat 2 inch egg-shaped scar.

The facts are that a ball with a Severity Index of higher than 1200 will fracture a skull. 44/375's have a Severity Index of 1800 to 2400 and the 52/300's are about a Severity Index of 500. You may prefer for whatever reason to play with 44/375 balls but please don't say they are safer. Older infielders are commonly hit in the lower leg by 44/375s which hug the ground and don't come up the way former generations of balls did.

In the heat of summer as a gross generalization, 44/375s often are worse than a 53/300. HRs in our rec league using 44/375s are way more prominent in the early spring and cool September weather.
Feb. 10, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Helmet


There is an embedded video in the article which has more info. If an ad goes on, wait till you can hit skip and then it will go to the video.
Feb. 9, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Helmet

Yes, it was slow pitch.
Feb. 9, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Helmet

A young man died in Dec in Florida after being hit in the temple while pitching. His skull was fractured and he died about 2 weeks after being hit. He had been married about 2 weeks. If you want more info google Greg Fusco.
Feb. 4, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What are Dave Velasquez Top 5 Senior Bats

I also enjoy Dave's reviews. Dave makes it clear that to him no balanced bat can be one of his top bats because they just don't generate the distance that an endloaded bat does.
I jumped on the bandwagon to go to a lighter bat and now think at my advanced age that my batspeed doesn't really change with a heavier bat so I should stick to a heavier end loaded bat. I have brought back my old Combat yellow end loaded Macenko and so far good results.
I am wondering if an others are doing the same thing. Restated: the lighter bat didn't work for me.
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