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Discussion: Senior Bats

55 yr old looking to buy first senior bat. I’m a contact hitter who can go to all fields. Looking for a bit more pop. Small frame 175 lbs. End loaded vs Balanced? Thanks in advance.
best advice is to try and find an event with demo bats so you can try a few. short of that, based on your comments, a balanced bat makes a lot of sense. You'll find that sr bats have more pop than what you were using. I'm a fan of Miken & Worth bats, the MIKE DILL ULTRA GAMER BALANCED SSUSA SENIOR bat is pretty sweet. Good control and ball jumps off the bat.
What were you swinging before? Senior bats are hotter than other associations, plus we hit a better ball. Older bats take a little longer to break in, but most of the new bats are coming out at 230 or lower and under 200 in 50-100 swings.
Thanks. I’ve been playing in a coed league with my boys and just using an old Worth Supercell bat 1.20 BPF and end loaded that I have been using for what seems like forever. I had reviewed the Mike Drill, Miken Ultra 2, and the Axe Avenger Pro. Haven’t seen any Demo events but will look. Playing in a 55 and older league and want to get a good bat.
I'm a contact hitter myself, singles/doubles hitter with shots past the respective infielders. I have three bats in my bag, all balanced. I feel the end loads are for the bigger guys. I have the Suncoast Melee and two Dudley Lightnings from different years. All are 27 ou. balanced. Direct Sports or Smash it Sports...you'll probably pay around $239 or so.
The Suncoast Melee is on my potential list. I was also thinking 27 ounce. Appreciate the advice.
I highly recommend you look at Short Porch’s lineup of senior bats and YouTube videos. IMO they are the best out there.
Everyone is different but like GMCinCO$ noted try to find an event that demos several bats. Most avid Senior players have 3 or 4 bats in their bags. A lot of players look for the latest and greatest every year trying to get that edge. However, a good starting point is http://www.seniorsoftballbatreviews.com/. The site posts reviews and videos that will give some idea how a bat feels and handles.
What's your bat speed?
Dave V
Bat speed has a lot to do with what bat you choose

Dave V
In my opinion, if you can find an Ultra II, you should be just fine. I have RARELY seen anyone fail with an Ultra II.

Are you looking to play Senior league or Senior tourneys? If it's league, make sure you're allowed to use Senior bats. All the Senior leagues around us use the Senior rules and balls but don't allow Senior bats.


You talking about the OG Ultra II?

Please understand that what ever U buy, it will be the 1st of "MANY"

About every 3-6 months or a little more. the bat companies will come out with the next great bat that will turn U into a monster hitter. The black ultra 2 by Miken has been a constant for many years. Your biggest challenge is to figure out if you want to swing a balanced or end loaded bat.

Your team mates will probably carry 3 or 4 different bats in their bag. I am sure they wont mind if U take some swings with a variety of different options.

Just budget about $240 a year as U will keep adding to your bat collection!!!
We switched to 52/300 ball which bats are good for that ?
I have Wig pop and Mario foster .
They are good but is Kevlar better.?
I am looking of a wood bat 34”/29oz that would be in compliance with Senior slowpitch guidelines/restrictions.
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