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Discussion: Southwest Championsips

When are they going to post the Southwest championship brackets.
In the next few days for your Session #1 age group ... We're still 12 days out from starting ... Your tentative field assignments have been posted, so there's really not anything that should be of much concern at this point ... Good luck!
Really? A potential concern could be that field assignments are “tentative” possibly affecting lodging. In fact, a field change was posted for Session 1, albeit minor.
Yes, really ... A couple of respectful observations ...

• Tournament schedules get drafted in the chronological order of their start date and the Tidewater Classic in Virginia Beach was completed on Thursday evening following TWO re-writes that were outside of our causation or control.
• I drafted the Session I component of the Southwest Championships overnight and it will publish after final review on Monday. It won't be sooner because we gave the staff the Easter weekend off.
• If you're interested, Maverick Construction will play at 8:00 and 11:00 AM on Tuesday, 04/09/24 on Field #7 @ Arroyo Grande Sports Complex ...
• The "housing-issue" excuse is generally a false one. Most players stay year-after-year at the same hotel/casino that issued their "frequent loser" cards. In fact, TENTATIVE has about a .985 batting average over the years and very rarely makes an out ...
• There IS a difference between the time when you may WANT something as opposed to when you might actually NEED it ... You're too early to fit the "NEED" category at this time ...

DD: Great answer, it's always fluid and we adjust accordingly.
Some things/people wants vs needs never change!! I remember once way back in 2006 when we were scheduled to play at BLD & were moved all the way to Shadow Rock! Now, that was a real hardship!!
Thanks for your never ending hard work!!! Win
Unless I’m reading the tentative bracket schedule incorrectly, it appears Maverick Construction is playing 2 seeding games on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday prior to the DE portion of the tournament. That’s fine but I only see the 2 other Major Plus teams - Omen and Scrap Iron - playing a total of 3 seeding games. Am I missing something?
Hi Larry ... You read it correctly, and didn't miss a thing ... In a 3-game round robin seeding pool with an odd number of teams, one team (randomly) gets that 4th game so that every other team will get their 3rd ... The Major+ group will be seeded only on INTERNAL games, meaning counting the two each of you plays against the other two ... Maverick just got a "little extra bang for their buck" with a six-game-guarantee schedule instead of a five ... Good luck! ...

Thank you, Dave! Although at this point in my life (playing 80s), having an extra game does not have the appeal it did when I was playing in the 50+ age group!
Chief144, lighting struck again in 2024, We were “tentatively “ scheduled at BLD and are now playing at Shadow Rock. It’s all good!
You're welcome, Tom! ... It's a shade under 7 miles from BLD to Shadow Rock ... You should come out ahead on the extra gas being more than covered by not having the daily $8 entry fee at B.L.D. ... You win! ...
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