Oct. 5, 2022 rightrj1 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Senior Softball-USA (SSUSA) Newsletter: Volume 8, Edition 9 R4 I did my job...It was brought to their attention...But I see you have time to make your comments why don't you fix it? |
Oct. 5, 2022 rightrj1 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Senior Softball-USA (SSUSA) Newsletter: Volume 8, Edition 9 Who runs this paper? Last year in 2021 the new paper didn't post the Team photo of the 60 major Triple Crown winners(Vandals). This year they posted the Team photo of the 5th place Team as the winners of the 65 major divisions... This is very disrespectful to the true Winners of the 65 Major Division ( Which was Team SAMURAI)! Newspaper Editor, please correct your mistakes. You guys did take a Samurai team photo after the Win, I really don't understand the mistake! That is all! |
Feb. 3, 2022 rightrj1 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOP GUN'S INVITATIONAL CLASSIC 2022 Dave, You know I've got nothing but love for you, and 99% of the time you get it correct, but this time I'd say you got it wrong! You should avoid at all cost scheduling 60's plus players to play at night, it's really a safety issue with the outfielders...BLD lights aren't the greatest... I know you take into account other factors when putting out the schedule, but when we see the younger guys playing all or most of their games in daylight, well??? Then the #1 seed has a 5-hour break, I think those are even worst, but that's just my opinion!!! Thanks for a Dave reply! |
Feb. 3, 2022 rightrj1 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOP GUN'S INVITATIONAL CLASSIC 2022 You have the '60s playing at 9 pm and the 50's finishing at 4:30 pm on Saturday Really???? I know there are no Top Gun teams playing in the 60's division, but 9 PM??? Most of us are in bed by 9... I think this is really Senior Softball abuse!! |
June 28, 2021 rightrj1 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any Update on The Stote? Just finished playing in Hemet...Played two divisions, this SSUSA replacement ball is just a bad ball to hit in the heat!!! It hits like the Old DEBEER balls back in the day! When the 40-year-olds have trouble hitting the ball 300 feet, that should tell you how much of a SOCK these balls are! SSUSA should tell teams if they're using these SOCK BALLS in the Western Nationals and a discount should occur...The balls are just plain bad! folks pay too much $$$ to not play with a quality product. That's just good business! |
April 19, 2021 rightrj1 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Prodigy/Proton Just received this notice...I know that you’ve been waiting for a ship date for a while. Honestly, no one is more frustrated than we are. We are at the mercy of a global shipping bottleneck and Customs being a mess. These problems seem to be affecting everyone, but I know delays are disappointing. We’ve spent a fortune on getting our Protons air freighted over and trying to get them out to you guys as soon as possible. We have actually seen some movement on them recently and we’re hoping to have some good news for you this week with any luck |
Sept. 5, 2020 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas 50's weekend LC7 since the 50's division dates & location have changed, I've had to change my plans...Thank you for the Interest. |
Sept. 4, 2020 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas 50's weekend Looking to play in the 50's division Worlds if anyone is short...Outfielder, 1st base, catcher, 750 hitter...Can play Majors or AAA live in Cali... |
Jan. 30, 2020 rightrj1 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Kicked Ball The runner is still out! It doesn't matter how the ball out to the base! |
Dec. 2, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rotator Cuff Surgery I had Major Laser Rotator cuff, Labebum and Bicep repair in 2017, It took almost 18 months of rehad before I saw a different in my throwing arm, without any pain... If i had to do it all over again I would choose the Stem Cell Process....I had STEM CELL knee repair in mid November 2019. 1 hour office visit and a shot and i'm already running around like I was 25...So my advise would be to check out the STEM Cell process as well as the old regular way of fixing ourselves, surgery with a year's down time... |
Oct. 22, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Major Plus Equipment Since IMO most the BITCHING about the level of play, the speed of the game and the new Technology, comes mostly from AAA & AA teams and players; I purpose this: Allow all Major & Major plus divisions to play with Today’s current technology, after all, their supposed to be the Best Players in the Country… Their Competitive as hell and want to win, they know how the game is supposed to be played (or think they do) :) and enjoy the speed of the game that the new technology brings… I’ve found that most AAA & AA teams & Players just want to play, Win or Lose!! They really don’t want to compete against with the upper level teams or players…I may be wrong but I think it’s because of their talent level as well as the speed of the game using today’s technology. ALL AAA & AA divisions must compete with the older technology, (SINGLE WALL BATS) That'll keep the talent level in the correct divisions. It’ll keep the game at a slower paste, it’ll keep the guys that don’t like the new technology from bitching and the teams from sandbagging, unless they like beating up on lower level talent!! |
Sept. 22, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Vegas 50's weekend We just finished our season in 55 majors. Looking to play 50 AAA or 50 Majors going to be in Vegas that weekend and would like to play. I'm currently rated 55 major. Will hit 700 plus with some power and play Outfield. Email me Rightrj1@sbcglobal.net. I live in Southern California |
Aug. 21, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Vegas 50's weekend Foots... hit me up @ Rightrj1@Sbcglobal.net |
Aug. 20, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Vegas 50's weekend Softball Hoe, Looking to join a 50 AAA or 50 Major team for Worlds... 750 hitter with power, if you're short! Live in Cali, Outfielder, Catcher, DH, nice Arm & good Legs :) |
April 10, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: SW LVSSA Championships April 23-25, 65-Major Division Why all the wining fellas???...I thought we play this game to COMPETE!! You guy are too dam old to be bitching about a team and the games haven't even been played yet!! You guys are giving up and the tournament is 2 weeks away!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha |
April 5, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas Yea that was a Classic Game...That was at the Major Plus lever also. That's my donation to SSUSA, I can say, I pitched a 7 inning NO hitter, 19-0 win in a Western Nationals tourney...Ha Ha Ha ....Glory is good...LOL |
April 4, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas Richie, Yea, that was my last game...I can't pitch with that helmet, and I've taken a few shots over my softball career and really don't wish to ever Pitch again!! :) :) |
April 4, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas Ha Ha , No I've retired from that position...Thxs for the inquire.. |
April 4, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Vegas Looking to play on a 50 AAA or 50 major team for the April Vegas tourney... Outfielder with good legs, good Arm, 700 hitter. Live in Cali... |
March 7, 2019 rightrj1 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Cannabis topical - non THC Guys, I've been on this stuff for over 30 years...No THC, NO side affects and the CBD heals and just doesn't mass the pain. You will NOT GET HIGH or test positive for Weed...Check it out Xip4life.com/541654 there's 3 Videos that tells you all about the products... Xip4life.com/541654 |