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Discussion: Major Plus Equipment

Since IMO most the BITCHING about the level of play, the speed of the game and the new Technology, comes mostly from AAA & AA teams and players;
I purpose this:

Allow all Major & Major plus divisions to play with Today’s current technology, after all, their supposed to be the Best Players in the Country… Their Competitive as hell and want to win, they know how the game is supposed to be played (or think they do) :) and enjoy the speed of the game that the new technology brings…

I’ve found that most AAA & AA teams & Players just want to play, Win or Lose!!
They really don’t want to compete against with the upper level teams or players…I may be wrong but I think it’s because of their talent level as well as the speed of the game using today’s technology.

ALL AAA & AA divisions must compete with the older technology, (SINGLE WALL BATS) That'll keep the talent level in the correct divisions. It’ll keep the game at a slower paste, it’ll keep the guys that don’t like the new technology from bitching and the teams from sandbagging, unless they like beating up on lower level talent!!

I have yet to come across a single team or player in the 50AA or 50AAA divisions that do not care if they win or lose, and just want to play. Everyone I talk to comes out and wants to win their games and tournaments. some know that realistically they cannot win their division but that does not stop them from trying to win or being upset when they do not!

Also, if your intent was to insult everyone who plays in those divisions, or to come across as arrogant, well I think you succeeded.
Rightrj1 - I am the manager of a 65AAA team that just got bumped up to major as a result of our second place finish in a 27 team division at the World Masters. We are keeping the same players this year that we had last except one. We will play at the major level with the expectation of being competitive without picking up more major or major plus players. You see, we have a group of players that care about winning deeply but we refuse to breakup our friendship to ensure that we win. We play to have fun, enjoy each other's company and win. After all, it's considerable more fun winning than losing. I have yet to play against any other 65AAA team that does not care if they win or lose. IMO, we all try the best we can every inning of every game. Granted, we have lost some reflexes that we used to have and don't quite run as well but to say we don't care about winning is simply incorrect. "Dumbing" the game down is not the answer. Playing at the proper skill level with whatever restrictions apply may be.

Jack Brunschmid
No Guts No Glory
65 Major

Can you please explain to me how this "new technology" only changes the game for major and major plus players.There are player's playing in lower divisions that quite frankly could compete just as well in the upper divisions they just don't choose to.All use the same bats,balls,equipment,etc.The only difference between divisions is the quality of play.
Jack,I just looked at the rating list and I see your team was rerated back to AAA Oct 22.Did you file an appeal? If so how long did the appeal take to respond?
Wood1966 nailed it...completely. But here's something to consider.

This year, my 55AA team played 55M teams in every qualifier we competed in (except Western Worlds) because there's simply not very many AA teams around. Do you suggest that either the M/M+ players be required to carry around single wall bats in case they have to play a AAA or AA team? Or, do the AA/AAA teams buy the hot bats to use only when they are mismatched against the big dogs?

I'd prefer each play be allowed to buy and use any approved bat they can afford, and greater steps are made to protect the AA players from mismatches against M teams.

Side note: SSUSA required a signed managers agreement for every tournament. The managers agreement includes that I certify that my players are adequately skilled for this level of play. I have no problem with AAA teams, but there's a reason we are AA and M players are not on my roster. It's simply UNSAFE.

Back to your concerns...My team plays to WIN...not to be 5 and done. Woody is right...I haven't meat a team at any level that doesn't care about winning. That's just dumb.
CX1 ... NG² is going to the T.O.C. in February as a 65-AAA team (their rating when they earned their bid) ... Here's the note from their team page • 10/22/19 - Team is going to the TOC, moved back down to AAA. Move back up to Major after tournament
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