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Real name:
Sean Morgan
Lagunitas CA
Men's 55

Messages posted by NCS13

Sept. 4, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: OLD TOPIC BUT

SSUSA is a class organization and I have thoroughly enjoyed the last decade or so of playing in their tournaments. Every single staff member I have interacted with is top-notch.

With that being said, I think the Major Plus program needs an overhaul. Trying to figure it out is way past my pay grade, and I enjoy playing the best competition in the country, but unfortunately that only happens at the World Championships. Every other tournament has turned into basically a Best-of-3, 2 team tourney or 3 team max RR. My wife has told me that variety is the spice of life...

I like the idea, at least at the smaller tourneys, of pushing M+ into the Major bracket and spotting runs all the way through bracket play but using the M+ home run limits. I know a lot of Major teams would argue against this but, quite frankly, I've seen a lot of Major teams (more teams than not) that could compete in that format. Especially if SSUSA is hesitant to move said teams up to M+ for fear of the all-too-common outcome of teams disbanding or asking for a ratings change because of a few poor showings.

The dearth of 50 M+ teams has forced my team to play a number of 40 tourneys just to get some action. We'd rather see 10-20 different teams than play the same 1-2 teams, three or four times a tourney, 3-5 times a season.

Other than that, SSUSA runs a clean operation and on many occasions has worked through difficult scenarios to deliver a decent product. They historically have been very receptive to new ideas regarding equipment and scheduling to accommodate their customer base, so I'm hopeful that there is a solution to be had here.

Best of luck to all at Worlds.

Sean Morgan
West Coast Aftershock
50 M+

Nov. 7, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Stote softball


You guys do a great job at SSUSA. I've really enjoyed playing in your organization over the last decade and I find your team to be very good at customer service. This new ball is definitely more responsive than the old one, and I liked the that old Trump ball. I still have a bunch of them in my bp bag and they are going strong with thousands of hits on them in all kinds of weather. You can't please everyone, so keep on doing what you've been doing. Your organization doesn't get near as much credit as you deserve for putting out a great product to us old timers reliving our glory day.

Sean Morgan
50 Major+
Aug. 28, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 2018 Miken Ultra II Special Edition.

It is a below average bat that never really opened up and only got hot when it developed a crack after about 400 hits. Then it lasted about 50 more swings with some big bombs. I would not recommend this bat, even though I was a big fan of the original red maxload a few years back. They need to put this one back on the drawing board.

Hope this helps.

Sean M.
50 M+
Oct. 5, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major?

I have to say this whole thread is a joke, what with all the complaining and hair-splitting...

Who cares if a bunch of 55 M+ guys played in the 50 M and won it? Good for them for showing the young guys how it's done. I could care less who plays in what division, I'm just grateful for the chance to move around a bit and get out of the house.

SSUSA has done a fantastic job of creating a competitive environment for all us crotchety old guys to relive our glory day, so stop complaining and start appreciating the fact that we get to keep playing this game for a while longer.

Dave and his staff have always provided us with an incredibly enjoyable experience and always handle things in a professional and courteous manner. Thank you to everyone within the SSUSA organization for providing us a venue to stay young.

Sean Morgan
Nor Cal Warriors
50 M+
Dec. 27, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Staff

I think SSUSA has done an excellent job with their choice of softballs. I've played a bunch of tourneys in high temps and the Trump Stote always seems to carry just fine. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

Keep up the good work!!!

Sean Morgan
Nor Cal Warriors #31
50 M+

May 18, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Rocket Launcher

I've been swinging the 27 oz Miken Big Cat for a couple of years now. Ordered a 26 oz Rocket Launcher to see how it measures up, since I like the end load and figured the extra 1/2 ounce would be a welcome change from the 1 oz load in the Big Cat.

Kelly's has always had excellent customer service and fast delivery & they were right in recommending a drop down in normal weight. The end load on the RL is pretty significant and I've been swinging end-loaded bats for a decade in seniors. With that being said, here is my review of the 2016 Combat Rocket Launcher...

-excellent distance after 50-75 hits and equal to that of the Big Cat; definitely NOT hot out of the wrapper
-weight and feel of the bat were what I would expect from a 1 1/2 oz load; if you have strong hands/forearms this is a bat you'd like
-a much stiffer handle than previous Combats I've swung and it didn't really start to flex, even after a 100 hits
-sweet spot is on the smaller side and out towards the end of the barrel
-durability is below average for a newer model senior bat; it developed a 3" north/south crack after roughly 100 hits w/ 44/375 Stotes in 65-70 temps
-if you can get the barrel thru the ball, it will fly; well-hit balls were consistently in the 375-400' range, as advertised

As much as I wanted to like this bat, it will not make my gamer bag. It is relegated to a fun bp bat for however many swings it has left.

Oct. 7, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous

I find it sad that so many guys have to use PEDs & altered equipment to compete in softball. Whatever happened to the good old days when players relied on their natural abilities and hard work?

What a shame that this type of element has gained a foothold in the game. I personally would not support any type of event that allows cheaters and drug users to "promote" softball, I don't care how many HRs they hit or what level they played. What message does this send to the younger generation? Lame sauce.

Sean Morgan
Norcal Stars
40 Major+
Sept. 2, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Jose and Ozzie Canseco looking to play 50 and over together in Las Vegas September tournament

I can tell you this - the Canseco brothers are no Northrup & Cash experiment. These boys can hit softballs a long way. I've played against Jose a couple of times and he is not only a really nice guy, but one heck of a slow pitch hitter. Any team that picks the Canseco brothers up will have a great chance at making a deep run in the division. I'd prefer to see them in the 40's though, just to get revenge for last year.
Good luck in finding a team.

Sean M.
Norcal Stars
40 Major+
Aug. 21, 2014
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Miken 2 piece knob came off.

My 27oz MM Big Cat replacement bat had the end cap shatter so only the inner diameter of the cap remains intact. I wasn't sure if I should swing it in the tourney, but it didn't break off any more after that. I used it in Roseville without any problems and nobody seemed to mind. It looks really bad but the bat performs fine. I was thinking of contacting Miken to see if they will send me another bat.

Also at this tourney, I had my 200 hit Miken white 2 piece knob come off in bp on Friday. Ball went 350, bat went 100 and I was left with only the knob in my hand. WTH? (Bad luck that weekend I guess LOL). Anyways, I used Loctite epoxy 3500 psi with a 5 minute set, left it overnight and it seems to have solved the problem.

During the Western Nationals, I saw 2 Miken bats in game play lose their knobs. Obviously, we have a situation on our hands. As much as I love the Miken performance (I've been a long time Miken guy), I'm thinking of making the switch to the Dudley.

Sean M.
NC Stars #13
40 Major+
Aug. 20, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: toughest position

Physically, the toughest position is catcher. Try hitting bombs when your arm is hanging after a 1000-throw day.
Mentally, the toughest position is EH. You have one bad AB and then wait 20 minutes to try to get it back, all the while cooling down way too much in the dugout, shagging balls and checking your text messages.
I do agree with Richie though - playing OF in 90+ heat for 2 days can definitely take away your legs, but I'd rather do that then sit around while all the cool kids get to play.

July 15, 2014
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Mike Macenko's Ultra 2's.......

Thanks for talking with me on the phone a few months back. I hope your hip rehab is progressing nicely.

I really like your signature bat-the feel & game performance are top notch. I actually put down my red maxload and made the Big Cat my gamer, but I have had nothing but bad luck with this stick.

As you know, I purchased this bat in April and it lasted me somewhere between 35-40 swings. First hit out of the wrapper went 400+ and I am not a big distance guy. I sent it back to Miken and they promptly replaced it. I received my 2nd bat about 2-3 weeks ago and took it out for bp on an 80 degree day hitting 52/300 & 44/375 balls. After 5 swings, the outside part of the end cap basically started flying off until only the center of the endcap was left. Performance was consistent with the first bat in distance and pop. I can only assume that someone slammed the end cap on concrete "by accident" for this to happen. Weird. The bat has held up for 30 more swings without any other sign of end cap malfunction.

Not sure what to do at this point, but I plan to swing it until it breaks. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sean Morgan
Nor Cal Stars
40 Major+

July 15, 2014
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Ball For Break-in

I've been swinging the red Maxload almost exclusively for 5 years and would not suggest using anything more than 44/375 balls for break in. The OG models took about 15-20 hits to break in. The newer models of the last couple years take about 75 hits. The bat is generally not a very durable model, so be wary of this. My OG 28 ounce lasted 300+ swings but I've been told this is a complete freak of luck. Since it broke about 2 years ago, I've gone through 4 other maxloads that lasted between 75-150 game/bp swings. My favorite senior stick of all time. Enjoy, sir!
Aug. 29, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Western National July 12-July 17/ Calif cup Aug 9-Aug 14

Norcal Stars (40 Major) has received their jackets and will be receiving their rings next week. Thanks to Barb, Fran, Tiffany and the rest of the SSUSA crew for doing an outstanding job.
See you in Phoenix.