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Details for L.Martin

Real name:
Larry Martin
Saginaw TX
Men's 50

Messages posted by L.Martin

March 20, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bodering state rules

Thank you very much.

March 20, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bodering state rules

sorry bordering states
March 20, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bodering state rules

We are a major team based out of Texas, how many out of state players are we allowed to have for both 40s and 50s?
March 15, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Female pursuing action to join all male league

It's not about if she is good enough to play with the men or not, women have there league's and we have ours and if they don't that's to bad... sorry

Oct. 8, 2016
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Ruling clarification

So let me get this straight, your penalizing the batter twice in one play, he is out for being out of the box and the team loses a HR.
Oct. 2, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 50AAA Finals

1. Escobar Body Shop
2. PGS Enterprises
3. WC Thunder
4. Chi Town 50s
Sept. 6, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA Arizona Director Rick Seifman

I played the Dayton tournament a few times, by boys always loved the mini bat they gave us, Metro and NYPD Blues where just to tuff to handle, the Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota Lawmen where pretty good as well. Pulse at the time was the only true police tournament around I believe.
Sept. 5, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA Arizona Director Rick Seifman

Benji4, by any chase did you play with the old DEA Combo teams during some of the Nevada Police and Fire Olympics?

I pitched for the Fort Worth Posse from 2005-07, we had a pretty good run during them years winning it once, and I believe losing to you guys one year during the trophy rounds as well.

I never go to play the police softball.com though, for some reason the clown that ran that association didn't think Fish & Wildlife officers were police, but prison guards where. lol
Aug. 30, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Colin Kaepernick

I personally have shed blood in combat over my 25 years in the military, and have had good friend pay the ultimate price and I can say this without Hesitation, I'm glad he is exercising his right to stand for what he believes in because it lets me know that my 25 years in the military and the lives of my friends were not in vain. Do I agree with the way he is doing it, hell no but that is his right I and many others provided for him. I personally blame the media for this firestorm hade they not paid any attention to him no one wouldn't have known anything about it now it's everywhere why because the media Stokes this fire.
Aug. 30, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Roster limit?

Has it always been set at 15 players?
July 27, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Aggieland Classic


1.Tx Vets
2.Escobar Auto Body
4.Mixed Breed

May 22, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: getting 3 games vs our 5

The one common denominator with all this complaints is this director named Parker, maybe SSUSA should think about getting someone else to represent them here in Texas..
March 17, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Adidas MeLee 2

I could care less about the dang balls, I want to know if the new Melee 2 compares to the Dudley in durability?
Jan. 7, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: San Antonio Senior Softball League Banquet

Im 100pc in agreement with having the Labor Day Classic tournament in San Antonio, more things to do, cheaper hotels etc....
Oct. 19, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 40's HR's @ BLD?

Hope not
June 10, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat Wanted G3

Thanks Alan...
June 10, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat Wanted G3

Has anyone got a chance to swing the new Combat Wanted G3 and if so how does it hit compared to the rest of the bats on the market....?
Feb. 1, 2015
Topic: Tournaments

Will this be a SSUSA event or just a unsanctioned senior event?
Dec. 4, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home plate Mat size change?

I appreshiate a good pissing match as much as the next guy but no one answered my original question, is there a chance the mat size might be changed for next year?
Dec. 2, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home plate Mat size change?

Are they considering changing the size of the mat, that's the rumor here in Texas.
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