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Discussion: New Adidas MeLee 2

So the new Adidas MeLee is starting to show up here and there as they make there way into the country. I tested several versions of their prototypes as the bat was being developed. The first two versions were not up to acceptable levels that we are used to as senior players. The 3rd time seemed to be the charm as the finished product certainly replicates the original MeLee. The actual hitting surface of sweet spot is just slightly smaller but easy enough to adjust to. The bats do seem to swing slightly lighter in swing weights than the original version. All in all you should expect a bat that behaves like the original MeLee with good performance and a bit Better durability than its predecessor. You Reebok fans will be please to get your bat back. Supplies should become more available around months end or the first of April. If you have questions about the bat give me a call anytime.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
I am confused i read your multiple post on the Miken line of bats now its about Adidas, just what company do you rep for or work for? Last year it was Combat and the Ambush, i did not see one bad post about the Combat Ambush.
Alan works with all the bat companys...he gives straight-up evaluations. He spends his time n resources to give give us his best options! He has been a great assistance to me despite being miles away from Hawaii! Aloha, Fabe
Ghost: Alan has been a square shooter in every respect. Done lots of testing for us that can't/won't buy all those different sticks and test on our own. Found him to be a quality guy.
As far as a bad post about the Ambush, every customer that has purchased that bat could have posted about it. The fact you haven't seen anything bad indicates to me it must be a pretty good stick.
Durability issues have been posted on the Ambush. I, for one, commented on it. I will repeat it, I only got 100 swings on mine, never able to swing it in a game.
I wouldn't expect Alan to post about the Ambush's lack of durability. I would be disappointed if posted that the bat was durable.
I purchased an Ambush from Alan when they first came out and the bat had plenty of pop. I really liked it. Problem was it only lasted about 300-400 swings. I told Alan and he stated that was not bad. Don't know any other feelings on this, but that is not durable nor acceptable.
Not trying to slander anyone or any products, just my experience.
Curveball: Yes my point on the Ambush was just that must be a good bat, so I was wondering what happen to the Combat Ambush. One would think good bat, plus from my take Alan designed it why not produce more bats?

I guess durability issues are with most or all senior bats.
He also said he designed a new ball for team 1 sports, only thing is I designed the ball back in 04 and it has been in play since 05.
Hey Guys,
Let me try and clear up a few things:
1. I do not work directly for ANY bat company right now and I never have. I do testing and consulting with several bat companies and other companies involved with various products in softball, baseball, and different sports.
2. My comments are based on my experiences while working on design, lab testing, and field testing the products including bats. I give an honest an fair evaluation based on this as well as using other information from players and athletes that I work with.
3. The Ambush was and is a bat that I worked on with the engineers and employees of Combat to create. It was and still is a good seller based on its record of good performance, durability, and a great sweet spot. I will say this honestly....some of the latest bats, i.e. Mikens new Ultra 2 Black and Dudley's Lightning have set new standards of durability that usually will exceed the Ambush lifespan. A good example of expanding technology and competition amongst companies. The Ambush remains a good quality , high performance bat and I still sell them regularly. The reason that you don't see them as frequently is that I have retained the right to be the sole distributor of the bat and I have not authorized another sports company to sell them. In short, if you want an Ambush you can contact me.
4. The Ambush durability overall has been very good and at its introduction was one of the longer lasting high performance bats. (See number 3) As with any mass produced item you will certainly find a few that have an "early failure" and by and large the Ambush only had a few of those. As with all senior bats there is not a warranty but if you feel that your Ambush did not give you a good value for your investment I would welcome your call to discuss it with me so we can solve the issue.
5.Kevin (tattooball) If I posted somewhere that I designed my ball then I am very sorry to have offended you and was not trying to mislead you or anyone. I simply borrowed good technology to accomplish what I was trying to accomplish: provide a highly durable ball that performs well even in the heat. Being an honest person, I will say your new Tattoball that is used in other associations does that well too. I am always happy to hit those balls as they are excellent performers.

In summary, those who really know me know I post factual information based on facts. I also LOVE this game and I am a self confessed gear geek who happens to enjoy testing and working on sports products. I hope this clears up any questions or situations that you all have. As always, just pick up the phone and call me, I'm happy to discuss sports and products with anyone, anytime.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Yes so if you don't make false claims you don't offend anyone, that's easy. As for my new ball that other associations use, hell that is old technology. Yes they hit great just like the multi layer balls I made many years ago but better. They don't knuckle and drift like the balls used in Vegas and still hit just as well.

My new ball is the NX3 way better than any technology on the market anywhere.....

Wait til the multi layer NX3 is out.

Here's why I never lie. Half the time I can't remember the truth.......
I swing a 30oz and always break the old ones in less than 100 swings. Love the bat but had 4 of them in a year and can't keep buying them when I break them so easy.
K Gideon Fresno heat
Deep14, buy a Dudley or new miken sr bat....they seem to have solved some durability issues...for the rest of us NON bat breakers, the Melee both the reebok and the Adidas perform great for me....but every player swings differently and what works for one guy might not work for another....my brother hits his driver 250 down the middle, I use it and I pull hook it 8 out of 10 times...is his driver crappy???, no, it just doesn't work for me......same goes for bats....
I don't make false claims about anything nor do I lie. That is something I take seriously. I posted earlier and will tell you and the public again... I did not design my new ball nor did I or will I claim as much. Read my earlier post and it spells that out very clearly. I'm not sure why you keep insisting on that and also wonder why you keep saying this. I've known you for years and if you think I did something incorrectly or dishonestly please call me ANYTIME. Posting such claims on a message board just isn't good for anyone involved. You have two great products in your balls and I tell everyone as such. As always, I wish you well in everything you choose to venture into.

Hello Kevin... this is Eurskine Lyons from Georgia..Can you give me a call Friday or ehrn you can at (cell) # 404-867-6421. Last year, I purchased several dozen of the Tattoo Ball for my 40+ Monarchs, but i would like to talk to you about the ...NX3 Ball.
bkb555, I agree I do have the dudley, very durable but not as good, the melee was a hot bat for me.
. Just wish they were more durable
alan tanner wondering why their is no new input on the new combat maxum /centenarian /swing nifong im with the silverghost on this one seems to me wherever or whoever you can make a buck with that's the product you push just my honest opinion
Let me refer you back to my privious post in this thread and specifically point number 1. After you read that let me clear up your questions.
I HAVE previously reported on the Centenarian and the Nifong from Combat. I have NOT reported on the Maxum as I have yet to hit it enough to to give anyone a fair evaluation of the product. Not sure how you align yourself with the Silver Ghost on this one? I report on every bat that I test but I don't report on something that I don't have definitive knowledge of. If you need specific information to help you make a bat or equipment choice I invite you just as I invite any player to pick up the phone and call me.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Alan, we hit that bat last week. I dont think the sweet spot is smaller it just seems to be shifted more towards the taper than the endcap.
The one we used was a 27 Bal, swings light and I feel people with slightly slower swing speeds will really enjoy this bat.
I have no alignment with silverghost just stating a fact that he already posted in regards to jumping all over the place from bat to bat and if that's not the case then explain to everyone why if your such a legit guy why your trying to backdoor all these honest reps at every tournament they pay a fee to sell your in the parking lot playing cutthroat if im wrong please explain then we can continue on about the ball you claim that you made I heard from your own mouth your claims
Xavier, don't know who you are but feel free to call me anytime. Nice to see there are still HONEST people in the game.

845 532 2668
Man this is like the presidential debates ;-)

You guys can spin what you like. I don't believe in that particular style nor do I wish to participate in it on a public forum.. As always, feel free to call me for honest accurate information whenever you want.
Best Regards,
No spin just facts that you are telling people that you have a new ball that you designed or developed with trump. Getting a logo stamped on a ball that has been available since 2005 is not new, they have been sold for may years as the AK-MC-SS-Y and the AK-MC-ISA-Y for 10 years.
Just stop the BS.
Here's the link to the same ball, and by the way they are cheaper to buy direct than the price you quoted a friend.

Bobby - sweet spot closer to the tape is good with me. I think that is where I have been hitting lately.
4b, dont tell me... your a dead pull hitter
Apparently you are having a hard time reading the above posts where I stated that I did not nor did I ever claim to invent this ball. So.....maybe the 3rd time you will understand that I have NEVER said that to anyone including you. The only thing I have said is I have a new ball at Team 1 Sports which is absolutely the truth because...I have never had a ball made with my logo on it and it is new for Team 1 Sports. AGAIN, I have never said that I invented this ball. Please Quit trying to discredit me by lying to the public about something I have never claimed or said. In business school they teach you that saying disparaging remarks about a competitor only makes the person who says them look bad especially when there is NO TRUTH in what you keep trying to say. I don't even consider you "competition" because I truly wish only good things for you and anyone else in this business. I simply love the game and the fun of working with the equipment that goes along with it. I hope you sell 10 million dozen balls this year along with 500,000 Nightmare bats and you are happy and fulfilled. I'm happy plugging along doing what I do which is providing honest and factual information to guys like myself who love the game.
Best Regards,
Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
These attacks on Alan a/k/a Tri18 are without any degree of merit. Alan has provided solid guidance to me and my teams about many different bats for years. He has not misled us one single time. He has also given us great service at a great price. I understand people do get upset with their competitiors from time to time, BUT the complaints should be factual. I can only comment about my dealings with Alan. He has been upfront, honest and has given me good advise and great service. I for one appreciate the amount of his own time he spends evaluating new bats, balls and other prodcuts so that he can give us solid information. Personally, I think he is insane to waste so much time testing new products -- the man recently married. For the record, one thing we can all agree on is that he married way way way over his head! He should be at home instead of trying to obtain up to date information for fellow senior softball players! Thanks Alan..... and as a friend, you might want to lock the front door whenever you go to test another new product! ...... Esquire
Esquire I agree with your statement! Alan has given me service that is unmatched here locally...for him to take care of an Island Boy is such a blessing. No one or nothing is perfect, but Braddah Alan has passion for what he does!! Just check out recent attendees of his Softball clinics that have been done. A lot of energy, resources n grade A customer service...that's what I have read....only wish he could do an event closer to Hawaii! Aurite...Aloha, Fabe
Here is the Factual information, John Furlong from Yearflow sports designed and produced the 52 Cor ball. No one on this site did.
John Furlong also produced the Multi Layer balls for both Trump and Dudley, No one on this site did.
I thought this post was a bout the NEW Adidas Melee2.....let's get back to that topic...I had a few guys hit one at a BP session last week and many were astonished.....the ball "jumps" off the bat, the sweet spot is "great" were some of the comments from 6 different hitters...this is all out of the wrapper too.....some say that it take 75-100 swings to break it in, many can't wait for that to happen
Lets give credit where credit is due, Matthew K Lacroix, Ronald P Laliberty are the 2 guys that designed the Dudley at the R&D lab in Chicopee Ma. John was the manufacture of the ball.

Julious Tomar made the first .52-54 cor balls way back when out of surlyn. When composite bats came out and associations were going the wrong direction with softballs and safety I designed and worked with the factory to produce a safer ball. That was 2006. Some of us in the industry knew this way back when but associations would not listen to facts, they just listened to there testers in a lab. Below is an article put out in 2003 by Terry Hennessey, the interview was in 2002. It clearly states the truth and 8 years before any other company or factory going that direction, but you already knew this. What's next John developed the NX3? That would be tough, I haven't worked with that factory since 2013.What is clear is that 2003 will require patience. The bat and ball issues are complex and changing - but we are moving closer to understanding the science of these new materials. After the science is clear, we can make some informed decisions on standards for bats and balls that keep the game safe and fun. ”Insightful articles similar to this one can be found at www.SeniorSoftball.com
Experts Warn that Lower COR and Compression Softballs Won't Solve Safety Issue courtesy of Softball News Report
2003 is shaping up to be the Season of the Ball. And some ball experts are warning that most major national softball organizations are making a dangerous mistake by lowering ball COR and Compression ratings to make up for hot bats.
“Associations aren’t paying close enough attention,” said Kevin Schullstrom, national sales manager for TRUMP Softballs .
“They think by simply lowering the COR and Compression requirements they have made the game safe. It’s not that easy.”
This year, most of the National Softball Organizations are changing their ball standards, requiring .44 COR balls with a low (375 per square inch) Compression rating.
Those standards, however, may do nothing to make the game safer for pitchers and infielders, according to the ball experts.“Most of it (ball-standard change) is being done because of the perception that it will be safer for the third baseman and the pitcher,” said Tom Decker, president of TRUMP (this should read DECKER & not TRUMP ) Softballs
. of Omaha.
“In reality, it’s not safer,” he said. “ In the first 60 to 70 feet from the point of ball-bat
impact, the travel distance is not going to change.” Decker said the only change will be the distance the ball will travel from home plate to the fence - not it’s speed through the infield.
“The net effect for reaction time for the infield is no different. If they get hit in the head with 44 COR it will be just as fatal as if they get hit in the head with a 47 COR ball at the same speeds. (THIS is WHY, a 50 x 375 is a LIL' SAFER.)
“I don’t want players under the false impression that they are not going to get hurt because
they are using a 44 COR ball,” said Decker. According to at least one expert, the lower COR balls may create an even more dangerous situation.
“If safety is the objective, associations should require a more elastic or rubbery .50 or .47 COR ball with lower (375) Compression,” said Trump’s Schullstrom. “That’s because the lower the COR the less elastic - the harder - the ball.”
The COR of a ball is determined by the distance it rebounds after it is hurled against a wall. The farther it rebounds, the higher the COR rating. Thus, the more it rebounds, the more elastic, lively or “rubbery” the ball.
The Compression rating tests hardness: it is the amount of pressure it takes to compress a softball one-quarter inch.
“The bottom line is that associations are trading the .47 COR for a more dense .44 COR, exactly the opposite of what they should be doing,” said Schullstrom.
A Dudley spokesman agreed that associations were looking at the wrong numbers - and using the wrong tests.
“Exit velocity is what they need to address,” said Chris Sims, longtime territory sales and
marketing manager for Dudley Sports .
“The standard tests use bat speeds of 60 miles per hour, but tournament players are swinging at 100 or 120 mph,” said Sims. Balls come off the bats a lot quicker at those speeds.And bat speed apparently makes a significant difference in ball ratings - and may force softball sanctioning organizations to take a new, closer look at the ball-rating system.
A recent report showed that lower COR balls actually came off the bat faster than higher COR balls. The report, “The Effect of Softball Compression and Coefficient of Restitution on Batted Ball Speed,” was based on a new study technique that used actual bat speeds and new high-tech bats.
Using the new, more realistic techniques, a .40 COR ball came off the bat 3.57 miles per hour faster and went 11-12 feet farther than a 47 cor ball.

Alan, these balls you are talking about...they wouldn't happen to be those balls Team-1-Sports threw in last year at Pete's tournament, would they? You know, the balls your team didn't buy from Pete and the balls you wouldn't let anyone else use! Cuz, those were good balls! Just wondering!!

A dik
A dik,
Please sign your name and include your phone number on your post. Let's again state FACTS and TRUTH not made up bs. The balls that were used by EVERYBODY last year including our team and everyone else were made by BADEN and supplied to every team by the tournament director. Let me say it again so you understand completely......we bought our balls from the tournament director and used the same balls that everyone else did. We did not put in any balls nor did we use my Team 1 Sports ball which is made TRUMP not Baden. Get your facts straight before you star spewing out made up bs on a public forum. We even offered to trade our balls for the other teams before the championship game. Then I offered to go buy new balls for both teams before the championship game. Do you understand the TRUTH now?
I'll await your posting of your name and phone number or you can call me directly.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
I could care less about the dang balls, I want to know if the new Melee 2 compares to the Dudley in durability?
L, its too early to tell durability on the Adidas Melee, Dudley sure did set the bar high last year with super durability and great performance.
As many of you know, I was one of the original Reebok Melee Legend reps and was able to help many players achieve resolution to their early bat problems. Later, I was a Dudley rep for the Lightning and helped players get their bats.

What most of you do not know, is I was suckered into investing into the GSC company. I wanted to create an income stream for my family in the event I was taken home from this life, due to the fact I was battling prostate cancer. My life savings went down the tubes with Mr. McKinlay.

I am an Adidas Melee2 independent rep and I have recently been swinging this bat. Unfortunately I fractured my thumb in the Florida Half Century tournament in February so I am not 100% with my swing.

I can tell you both balanced and end load bats feel good, the ball jumps off the barrel and gets through the infield quick for you base hitters. It has excellent distance out of the wrapper for you long ball hitters. It has a tad bit faster swing through the zone than the Dudley. I actually went up one ounce from my Dudley. I am looking forward to healing my thumb and hitting this bat with more power.

Obviously there are a few guys handling the Melee2 but if you want and need an honest opinion and some help in regards to learning more about this bat, I would be happy to discuss it with you further.
Ed Andrews

Is the Melee II going to be ordered in a 12" version? The same for the 2016 Miken's. I heard both of them may make a 12" but is that confirmed?

Thank You:

A 12" is planned.
I have been working with Miken in developing a 12" senior bat for the past few months. I will tell you it's extremely good and I will have more information about its debut and on the bat itself most likely next week.
Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports

Ed....glad you are back with us. Get better soon.

Thanks Alan:

Let us know when the timing might be for this new model.

Thank You:

I can care less about the Melee, let's get back to the balls!! lol

So, Alan, if you want to know who this is all you have to do is click on my Adictiv6 and my name comes up!!

As for the ball situation I speak of, well, I was pitching at the time so i know what I speak! Those were not balls that Pete gave to each team! You know it, your team knows it, I know it as does my team! You and our coach went back and forth over it! Team 1 Sports changed balls the next morning to the balls every other team was using! You never offered us to use your balls, never offered to buy new balls!! Really, I could care less ! I was just stating that those ball you were using were hot!!

There are three sides to every story, your side, my side and what really happened! I will stick to mine, you stick to yours and as the X-Files says "The truth is out there" !

Anger is one of the signs of guilt, in case you didn't know and it reads like you're upset in your post....I'm gonna let you in on something, Alan.....I don't come home to you, I don't shower with you and I don't fall to sleep in your arms at night sooooo, you being angry or upset towards me means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me!

A dik (aka Paco)

Speaking about balls, How does one know if the stamp is correct on balls? I mean could be a safety issue if your purchasing certain balls and there hotter than advertised.

Here is an interesting item on e-bay :


Guys I posted about the exact same thing about a year ago. How hard up can someone be to win a softball game? I mean why else would someone need a mismatched cover, you certainly could hit any ball you like in BP, you don't need to fool anyone unless it's a sanctioned game. It's a sorry state to say the least. I'd hate to be pitching or playing infield against such a ball!
Let's stick to the facts and the TRUTH. The balls that were used in the tournament were given to us by Pete Fowler who we bought them from on site. My ball is made by TRUMP so it says TRUMP on it. My ball has different colored stitching on it as well. The balls we used in the tournament were made by BADEN and they said BADEN on them. At NO TIME did my team use ANY OTHER ball other than the BADEN BALLS that we were supplied by the tournament director. It would have been OBVIOUS if we had done so just by looking at the manufacturer of the ball. Our balls all had the same cover, stitching, and BADEN stamp that yours did. You were pitching and I'm pretty sure that if we would have thrown in a ball marked TRUMP on it during the game you would have looked at it and protested and RIGHTFULLY SO. Of course, that never happened because we never did that. I'm not quite sure how you expect anyone to believe you or why you keep saying this? Our softballs were looked at by your team, the tournament director, and everyone else and deemed to be the exact same balls that you had. I really don't think us beating you by the run rule would have been changed by any ball that you wanted us or you to hit. We played well that game and throughout the tournament and won. Your team is certainly capable of the same thing with ANY ball being in the game but that was our weekend to put it together on the field.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports

Ps: ok I feel guilty. I actually flew in 3 ladies from the ball factory in China, had them take the cover off of my Trump balls and sew on a Baden cover that I ripped off another ball with my teeth. Urban Legend continues.....
Alan, at NO time did I state that you threw in a "Trump" ball or that you guys were using Trump balls...all I said was that the balls your team were using during the first game we played were HOT ! You took my statement the wrong way and for whatever reason got upset over it!

Now, I recall what happened is this: while I was pitching both Posey (our catcher) and I noticed the difference in the balls we were using and the ball I was pitching! Posey called time out, came to me, we showed Tony the ball and he went and talked to the umpire. From that point I was out of the mix!!

The next morning I did, however, notice that both teams were using the same balls! Those are the "facts" as I know it and that is the "truth" as I know it!

Still 3 sides to the story, I will continue to stick to my side. We can continue volleying back and forth on this issue, but why do so!

As Steve Austin says "I'll see you down the road"

A dik
Maybe he massaged his balls with Wintercrest, making them hotter than normal.
Just wanted to post that U have always been straight-up with me n people here in the Islands! Keep doing what the Lord has called U to do....do UR best n God will do the rest! Aliha, Fabe
Amen to that Fabe....thank you for posting
all those bashing Allen for salesmanship or what they think are lies... FYI I have bought items from Allen for the last 4 years and found him to be honest and he has the best customer service out of anyone I have purchased from anywhere. I even busted his chops about the Ambush, but I do think he is 99 percent on point about his products! I just bought his sunglasses and they were a steal for $20 bucks..you will not find anything close for that price.. the case is worth that alone.. and anyone that can find Wintercrest cheaper than what Allen sells it... please post.. IMO! Also, we demo bats every year and I find Allens post about the bats to be pretty accurate, except for the Ambush;-) Cheers
Amen Fences, I also have know Alan for five plus years. Best thing I can say about Allen is that he has a strong Christain witness. Has always represented his products honestly and a fair price. Although he did charge me $39 for my glasses. Differant from yours I'm sure. Glad to call him a friend.
Thanks for the kind words and creating your usual Avalanche and firestorm at the same time about your glasses! That $20 story is sure funny:) , but you are killing me! Lol
Team 1 Sports
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