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Details for biggflyy1953

Real name:
Dennis Ladd
Kalamazoo MI
Men's 60

Messages posted by biggflyy1953

Feb. 16, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Isa world series

In reference to the ISA world series in July 2020 the fields this year will be Lincoln Park in Columbus, IN and the newly added Blue River Memorial Park in Shelbyville, IN!
Good riddance to the Dunn Cow pasture Complex. Not even suitable for cows!!
Oct. 3, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Shoulder surgery

Having surgery on right throwing shoulder using a stemless implant procedure. Would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, from someone who may have had this procedure.
Operation is scheduled October 23. Thanks!
Sept. 4, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: World Masters Playing at Sunset Park Softball Complex

60 Major has been assigned to Desert Breeze for the past 2 years (18-19). Adequate fields, however, it would have been nice to see a change of scenery. If the change of scenery would have been Shadow Rock and Hollywood, I give kudos to SSUSA staff for not assigning the 60 Majors there. Hate retrieving HR's amongst all the boulders!! Need to hire a goat to go get them!!
Sept. 2, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: World Masters Playing at Sunset Park Softball Complex

Quit complaining! The Major + teams do not complain about the field conditions at Shadow Rock or Hollywood Park! Oh yeah, they never are assigned there! Arroyo Grande is for the most part their home field during the Worlds!
It is strange that the majority of the 700 teams are MAJOR or less rarely get assigned to the best complex in Vegas!
Have been playing in the Worlds for over 17 years and never have been assigned there. Been assigned to Shadow C'rock' several times. Must be a coincidence!
Aug. 1, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: ISA World Series

Just played in the ISA World Series in Columbus, In. In reference to Dunn (Pasture) Stadium, the absolute worst infield and outfield I have played on in almost 40 years of playing softball.
A total embarrassment for a TOC event. Our 3rd baseman barely escaped with his life after numerous horrendous bounces or nonbounces.
Had a chance to win the 65AAA championship on a routine DP groundball when it suddenly took a
10 foot bounce over the SS head. Fielding ground balls were SCARY!! Every player I talked to stated the fields were a joke and a hazard to play on!
Come on ISA and SSUSA, find another complex to play on or move the event! Lincoln fields were great, Dunn Stadium, horse manure, literally!!
On a positive note, the tournament seemed to be well run!
June 28, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Roster Question

Player A is on the roster for team Bananas (60 Major) and plays in the ISA World Series. Is Player A eligible to play on team Coconuts (60 Major) in the SSUSA Northern Championships and the SSUSA Las Vegas World Championships. Would this be a conflict? 2 different organizations. Would Player A need to be released from team Bananas to play for team Coconuts?
Oct. 15, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Clarification

If still interested, go to Hock Sports.com. They have a 27 oz. Dudley Lightning balanced for $129.00. I believe most players will attest to the quality of that particular bat especially at that price. I believe it is the 2013 or 2014 model. Black and yellow!
Going to the Huntsman games is on my bucket list. Hope to make it out there soon!
Sept. 30, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Assignment of fields for LVSSA/SSUSA World Championships

I have to agree with lowprofile, I just wanna play ball! I have been going to the SSUSA/LVSSA worlds since 2003! By goal every season is to play in the World's at the seasons end. No matter what complex I have played on I have adjusted to the conditions, good or bad.
I have been fortunate enough to play on 3 World Championship teams and finished 2nd a few years ago.
I have been to Arroyo Grande to spectate and have been impressed by the fields. However, the 15 years I have attended the Worlds, never had the opportunity to play there. Would be nice to get assigned there once before I call it quits! Probably need to get on a Major+ team.
I do appreciate the SSUSA organization to give us seniors the opportunity to play ball throughout our golden years! I know it takes a great deal of energy and committment to run the organization.
Dave- I do have a small bone to pick with you in your above post when you state the younger Major+ teams do not prefer to play at BLD. This particular statement seems to contradict you when you also state that there is no Major+ bias. How many years has it been since the younger Major+ teams have played at BLD. There are many other teams that prefer not to play at Hollywood and Shadow Rock but do.
All in all, SSUSA is the best senior organization for us senior softball diehards! Good luck to all who have competed in the 2018 SSUSA/LVSSA Senior World Tournament!

Sept. 28, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Assignment of fields for LVSSA/SSUSA World Championships

I believe the general consensus of players have rated the top 3 or the most desirable complexes in Las Vegas are as follows: 1)Arroyo Grande 2) BLD and 3) Sunset. The least desirable: 1) Shadow Rock 2) Hollywood Park and 3) Russell Rd.
My question is why do the Major+ teams in the ages of 40-75 have not been assigned to the least desirable complexes among players for at least the last 5 years?
Here is the breakdown of the field assignments from 2015-2018 by age groups involving the Major+ teams starting in 2015 thru 2018:

40 Major+ 2016 BLD 2017 Arroyo Grande 2018 Arroyo Grande

50 Major+ 2015-2018 Arroyo Grande

55 Major+ 2015 BLD 2016 Arroyo Grande 2017 Cheyenne 2018 Arroyo Grande

60 Major+ 2015 Sunset 2016-2017 Arroyo Grande 2018 Sunset

65 Major+ 2015 BLD 2016 Arroyo Grande 2017 Desert Breeze 2018 BLD

70 Major+ 2015-2016 Arroyo Grande 2017 Sunset and BLD 2018 Sunset

75 Major+ 2016 Sunset 2017 Arroyo Grande 2018 BLD

The Major+ teams have not been assigned to Hollywood Park, Shadow Rock,and Russell Rd in at least the last 4 years. Cheyenne and Desert Breeze have only been used once as an alternative (55 Major+ 2017) and (65 Major+ 2017).
It appears that the Major+ teams monopolize the more desirable fields and are not assigned the least desirable fields. Is it just a coincidence, a scheduling necessity or preferential treatment?
Just my opinion, the Major+ teams would have serious problems playing at the least desirable fields which most other teams have reluctantly have had to play on!!

Sept. 4, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Roster Additions

What are the rules for adding a player to the World Tourney once the qualifying roster has been sent in. There are currently 15 players on the official roster.
Can it be done and if so what are the procedures. I am sure this has probably been discussed on previous messages. Thanks
Aug. 22, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Adidas at Rocky Mountain Championships * Aurora, CO

After talking to an Adidas Rep, the new 2019 2 piece Adidas will hopefully be able to be purchased 1 to 2 weeks before the Worlds. The Adidas Reps will likely the first ones to get them to sell.
I have hit both the balanced and end loaded and they are "live"!
I am in line to purchase the balanced when they come out for player consumption.
Aug. 11, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Northern Championships

When will the Northerns Championship Schedule and brackets be posted?
July 31, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Ball

Will the new ball be used at the Northern Championships in Lansing, Mi.? Also, will they available to buy there?
July 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 2018 ISA world series

Should have said "field logistics problem"!
July 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 2018 ISA world series

We are a 65AAA team (Bomb Squad)out of SW Michigan playing in the ISA World Series Tournament next Week (26-28 July). Travel time approximately 5-6 hours. We have found out we are in a 2 team division, which will require 3 days of play. Included is 3 seeding, play-in games against the only 3 65 Major teams in the tourney. These 3 games have no other purpose than playing essentially 3 exhibition games since they have no impact on the 65AAA bracket play since the 2 teams are playing a best 2 out of 3. Or, place the 65's in one bracket with the top Major and AAA team qualifying for the 2019 TOC.
We have 2 games on Friday, 2 games on Saturday and 1-2 games on Sunday. 3 days to play 5-6 games. 2 days would have been sufficient to complete this TOC eligible tourney!
$550.00 entry to play. $100.00 in gas (minimum), $300-400 for hotels (2 per room) and approximately $100 for 3 days of meals for a 2 team tourney. OOUCH! We are a team that pays to play.
In addition, the Windy city SSUSA tourney in the Chicago area (230 miles from Columbus, IN)is the same weekend! Why is ISA and SSUSA competing against each other on the same weekend thus making teams decide on which one to play.
The Windy City tourney has 3 65 AAA teams 1 more than the ISA World Series.
Would have been nice to have 5 potential teams in either tourney.
Finally, it would seem appropriate to give teams an option of playing or receiving their entry fee reimbursed when they find out there are only 2 teams in their bracket for a 3 day tourney. Suggestion: have the 60's, 65's and 70's play on Thursday and Friday since their seems to be a field logistics for the ISA tourney.
Just a thought!!
April 23, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brickyard classic

Since there is only 8 teams scheduled to play 2-3 May, only 3 in 65AAA, it would be favorable and generous to get our games started late morning or early afternoon, especially for our team (Bombsquad 65AAA, out of Michigan), which is 4-6 hours from Indy. In addition, many of our players play Tuesday night in league. Would also save us a hotel expense for 1 night. Just a thought.
March 5, 2018
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 60AAA/MAJ team looking for 1-2 players

JP Motormen, out of Michigan, is looking for 1-2 players to fill their tournament roster. INF/OF needed. 5-6 tourneys for the year. If interested contact DennyL1953@aol.com. Will get back to you promptly. Please leave phone number and state of residence.
1st tournament is Brickyard Classic(SSUSA) in Indianapolis, May 4-5.
Feb. 5, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Milwaukee Merchants current rating for 2018

Thanks Dave for filling me in. However, it is not the fact I did not pay attention. Rather than not paying attention, I may have missed previous questions on the subject that were posted and answered. I am only the the SSUSA website from time to time.
Thanks for getting back to me in a timely fashion.
Good luck to the Milwaukee Merchants in the upcoming year. Played against them on numerous occasions in the past (Michigan Smash).
Feb. 3, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Milwaukee Merchants current rating for 2018

Just curious: Milwaukee Merchants, 60 AAA, win the 2017 Worlds in Las Vegas but their current rating is still AAA. Misprint on their rating or is it something else?
Dec. 10, 2017
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Bat Shelf-- Who Has One?

Try grit/ball tower. Bag stands up and does not sag, due to poles that you insert in to the bag. Is a shelf system. Have had a lot of compliments on the bag!
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