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Discussion: Team OG 50AAA 55AAA and 60AAA
Any good players looking to play this year?
Cleaning up my rosters in all age groups and can add you to 1 of my Teams if your a fit!
Based out of Michigan
Robert Dillard Jr
Hoping to have everything wrapped up 1st week in January!
Good luck to everyone this year and stay safe!
Hello Rob do you need a pitcher for 55AAA team and I live in Illinois.
Are you playing on all 3 teams this year?
Just the 60AAA I hope unless the youngsters need a game winning hit!
56 year old outfielderlooking to play and live in Illinois.Shoot me a text 217-827-1217 my name is Cliff Hodge ( hodgie) if im eligible.
Can I try out? I've played some senior ball before. Live in Michigan.
Merry Christmas from Team OG!
60+ player looking for team playing in winter haven fl. Pitcher, outfield and 1st.
Hey figure out a way that I can play and maybe I can grace your team with my presence!!!
If you ever need one for 50+ I am available even as a sub. I play P,1st,catcher and or dh. Also can play outfielder in 4man setup.
I have played utrip C and D most of my life. Stepped away last few years from travel while wife is battling cancer and also to get my health and shape back in competition form. Played league with a few former conference guys last couple of years
Left handed throw right handed hit. Typically average .700-.775. Thanks in advance.
765-621-6499 greg
Looking for team Will be playing 55 this year also looking for 60 team
If ALL you players hit over 800, you will not be AAA for long.
And you shouldn't lose a game.
I have played and coached for over 40 years and NEVER have I seen a team in AAA that everyone hit over 800.
Good luck
Especially if you keep the averages correctly.
COOP3636 that statement was directed toward a player on my team that answered my post and I told him to take his .799 somewhere else so..... thanks for the good luck comment and have a good season yourself as well.
Teams are Full so if your answering you better be special!
COOP3636. I have played for Rob for the last several seasons and responded to his post as a joke between friends. Thank you for letting us know about your resume and level of experience. It is greatly appreciated. For the record we do know how to keep averages correctly and most weekends my average is in that vicinity. With over 500 posts on this message board I see you have a great deal to offer (or a great deal of time on your hands).
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