Aug. 4, 2017 taits | Topic: Bats Discussion: Outcome of GSC And many of you thought I was wrong is questioning them... Ed, you never did or have said what you saw at that sitee they were to make them in. Kristi had her own lawyer, I think with that she stiffed Steve. Maybe not though, but was in it to her eyebrows, Should have each got 5 years for each count and each coung for each person affected. Sorry you bit it Ed. |
July 31, 2017 taits | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 70 yr old AAA player from California looking to play in Las Vegas Worlds in September Which Mustang team, the OC Mustangs out of So Cal. or Nor cal Mustangs. One is a 70's team the other a 65 team. |
July 21, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Older Miken U2 i checked some of the broken bat ends. (I kept the ends) and a "W" burned in but the other part of cap is a "M" for Miken with a kinda swoosh around it. I do not remember if the ones with W were waranty returns of what, given the time frame of about 17 years. However 2 of my 4, have the W and M all have a Miken logo, but two were the newer ones w\o the M or a burden W. One is still in wrapper. The ASA's were slightly better that one year previously back then, but do not know which one, I sold my ASA model to a fellow player and he loaned it out a year or two later it it got broke. Enjoy the bat but don't loan it out. |
July 16, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Western Nationals Team listing is up. |
July 14, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Western Nationals Probably see 'em next week some time. Usually only give about a weeks notice before the start which is the 25th. |
June 17, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New fields in Florida Bet the "answer" will be contracts that last "forever". |
June 7, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Team Ratings These are posted on their own schedule when allowed between events. Usually a note will be posted above in the Red Priority listings & or in these Discussions. Most every thing discussed on the board can be found in a search here as well. But I admit that is a pain. |
June 6, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Team Ratings It's posted above where it should be. |
May 23, 2017 taits | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: SSUSA Atlantic Coast Championships Not a rumor, but NSA has also been in the process. And has been slightly for about 15 years. Both put on some good ones in areas this one does. Actually, ASA has done it for about 20 years, I used to do them for them. |
May 3, 2017 taits | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Roaster I would think that a manager attending his first tournament would become aware of the roster add on time frame or requirements thereof. If not maybe the second event unless he had a dim whitted moment. All the ‘rules' are spelled out in advance & in plenty of time to make a needed arrangement for addons or loss of a player which is usually not done any way. I wonder if having to pay the team that got ‘win’ by forfeit still applies. ouch. |
April 6, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: win loss records next to our ratings From my perspective and I believe SSUSA's it's more than games won or lost. Primarily because of the number of teams in any given bracket-ratings and what type of event it is in. There are brackets with what I beleive is considered the relevent ones of 5 teams or more and them there are the brackets with only one or two where your no doubt play against other ages &\or out of your ratings division. Both of which IMO... SUCK. But SSUSA does do a pretty good job at placing those teams. It will never be EQUAL. Go to have fun, enjoy the comraderie, and hopefully play at 100% and win. Your last statement on seeing who you'd play against is I think one reason the teams aren't listed sooner, yet some teams still bail out causing more problems with scheduling and even field placement. Then you loose the fees if after the deadline when published. None are great things for players, teams or the Assn. You know going in thre is a chance to play whomever and wherever, against younger, older and from different ratings. One need to think agout these before sending in entry fees. Go with your whole heart into it and play like that. Any less you start off doomed. |
March 14, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Female pursuing action to join all male league Here in Fresno, Ca we have quite a few in the senior league. But like what's been mentioned that varies with the leage. Get their by-laws, most have their own web site that should have them posted. Chances are good if the city doesn't offer a womans league of the same kind, I believe you should have a valid argument. If they want the league to grow as most do, this is one of the best methods. We have husbands and wives playing together and against each other. |
March 9, 2017 taits | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOC 2017 TOC teams from snowbound states Dave, Only 8 it seems per your stats above, not a good or representative showing IMO, for number of qualified to attend, Right? That was the point. I do not know how many qualified and won't take the time to go through the page if even still up for those states & ages. Over all team #'s are usually good most all events. Everywhere but a select few even in the summer. RATIOS, t was same for most all years but most all years are ridden wirth snowbount teams as well. At least you shaved off about one month from what it used to be I believe if my menory serves me right. But i think it was years ago. I think the point players are making besides my remarks here is the 3 month time frame you have between Nov next years event and the TOC, was not good let alone fair for everyone. |
March 8, 2017 taits | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOC 2017 That's a joke Dave, ....Played out. Regarding your team comment out of how many TOC eligable Teams... What's that only 8 teams? Not good IMO. Well, this all is what it is. Never did get that reply note from TH. No matter now though I guess. Didn't see them listed on any team bracket listing. |
March 8, 2017 taits | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOC 2017 Complaints about the TOC dates has been a ongoing posting event every year. and rightly so. There has been time to renegotiate during the decade past. But I think it's also about vacation time for them, undestandable as they can claim it as work. Oh well, it's great event from what I read. Trouble I see is for the many teams that are snow bound from at least Dec to Feb and rally do not have the chance to practice and stay in ball playing shape as the other parts of the nation do. Unless you consider shoveling snow works for that. But in my own mind it helps out some because of they keep in shape still playing ball and hinders others because they can't, making the 'equality' playing issue a tad bit more unequal. Fields should be the best out there as well. Why have poor quality fields for an Elitist event which it is supposed to be. Ant from what i read here there are some very questionable ones which I read every year. Only places places I know of that would make the grade would likely be Mesqute, NV and St George, UT. Where most of us know have ample parks and fields. But ST G, tends to get cold after Oct. Haven't been to AZ fo I don'y know about them and Reno and Vegas have their issues too. Blottom line is too long a break between EOS and TOC. |
Feb. 10, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: I-15 to St. George You can get road info in the net Cal Trans is one. |
Jan. 31, 2017 taits | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rating Question My "guess" would be Major for either age group. But given you are mainly a 55 player. if they had to pick only one, it would be 55 major. |
Jan. 26, 2017 taits | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Flip Flop Rule Nope! ... Defense is rewarded over offense by SSUSA ... Hope this helps .. I think that would be a valid argument FOR pitching limit changes for higher or unlimited height, maybe even movement. Bringing down the favoring of\for the offense. Not necessarity from behind pitchers back though. |
Jan. 24, 2017 taits | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Advice As mentioned Have fun. Meet the players around you, get to know some. Keep in touch if you can. For the game give it your all, playing to will with the fun being in that and the comroderie within you get. |
Jan. 24, 2017 taits | Topic: Bats Discussion: Seniors 75 and over allowed to use composite bats? But them again you can use the older one like CU31 bats if you choose to. They won't perform well, but are legal. Most were good for their time and balls used then were better. But these days not a preferred choice for bats or balls to for that matter. But everyone is going by the same reues and using the same ball only difference are the bats we each use are somewhat different by make & model. Wood & or Bamboo is out there too. Ok that's all sarcastic but I'm havin a senior moment. |