As some of you may be aware, I was one of the investors who was scammed by Steve McKinlay and was lied to by both Steve and Kristi McKinlay. I was promised a 100% ROI and was given contractually a 2.5% ownership in the company for a $100,000 investment. I was told my capital investment would allow the bats to be manufactured in the following 30 days from the date I wired all of our savings to them. I was contacted some 2-3 weeks later and asked for an additional $20,000 loan for a 60 day period. I received significant positive projections of sales that gave a strong positive cash flow and one of the things I was hoping to do, was to establish an income flow for my family if in the event of my passing.
As time moved along and I began to see flaws in the evolution of GSC business actions, I started to request repayment of my investment and volunteered to waive any return on my investment. I got promises, pep talks, false reporting from both Steve and Kristi McKinlay. I hired an attorney to help me recover my capital. Kristi McKinlay promised she was going to send me payment of my loan and the payment would be forthcoming. Promises were given over and over and never a payment was made.
I was in our yard in Florida when my cell phone rang and the District Attorney on the other end of the line shared with me the McKinlays had just been arrested on charges of fraud and were taken to jail. I was told I would be contacted about the process. The process was lengthy. A significant amount of documentation was requested in order to prove that we were victims. I had signed executed contracts, proof of money being wired to them and lots of emails to/from Steve and Kristi. Over the course of time, it turned they had duped quite a number of people for a significant amount of money. I gathered and sent all my documentation to the DA. As time went on, Kristi was released from jail and had a number of people speak to the judge on her behalf and share how she was an upstanding individual. I did not get a chance to speak with the judge and share with him the numerous conversations I had with her in our attempt to recover our funds.
This past spring/early summer, the case went to a judge. Attorneys who represented certain investors attended the hearing and pleaded that the investors who had taken real estate holdings as security should get a first and highest level of repayment over those investors who did not have real estate security on their investments. The judge listed and awarded a select few to receive first repayment percentage of any real estate sales that take place. Those investors who have no real estate security get paid a percentage of remainder left over after the attorneys representing the estate get paid.
A month ago we received a check and it may be the last check we receive. It was a little over $400.We were duped by crooks who used God as the carrot. He will get out of jail in another 2 years.
Some of you know these facts and many of you have called to ask me about our situation. It is time to share the fact as I know them with you.
Ed Andrews
I'm sorry that you and many others lost money to Steve Mckinlay and his CPA wife Kristi. I know he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and believe he is still in prison. I'm not sure what happened to Kristi Mckinlay. Last I heard she was trying to get home confinement. Do you know if she went to prison or jail?Or did she get home confinement? It seems she gave Steve an air of legitimacy with her CPA license and was perhaps as complicit as Steve.
This is truly a negative choice that effected many others! I was considering being the Hawaii rep. n glad that I was cautious, probably due to my career background! Only ate a couple bats, but please know God had nothing to do with this! This was caused by greedy hearts! Aloha, Fabe
And many of you thought I was wrong is questioning them...
Ed, you never did or have said what you saw at that sitee they were to make them in.
Kristi had her own lawyer, I think with that she stiffed Steve. Maybe not though, but was in it to her eyebrows,
Should have each got 5 years for each count and each coung for each person affected.
Sorry you bit it Ed.
Now would you please tell us where this supposed factory was located and what did you see when you were there.
As far as I am concerned they both got off lightly. We have become a Country that coddles the Criminals and make their Victims feel that True Justice has not been served. Criminals need to be held accountable for the decisions they make. No one forced them to commit crimes injurious to our Fellow Citizens. They willfully chose to hurt and cause pain to their Victims. BOTH of these people are EVIL and deserve to be chastised and be considered Outcast from Civil Society. Only to be readmitted through contrition, penalty's served and voluntary contributions to better Civil Society.
Make them pay "In Full" the amount of money they defrauded from the Innocent Victims. If they can not pay the Money back then increase their Jail Time to be commiserate to the amount of Money NOT Paid Back. Why should Mercy be given to either one of them ??? Did they have compassion and concern for their Victims ? I Think Not !
I do feel bad for the Victims and want to Thank Ed for telling us what came of this Criminal endeavor.
How long or will the Victims ever recover their investments, likely their Losses will never be recouped. God knows their physiological pain will be with them for many years if not for life. And these miscreants get 5 years and the woman no jail time or ?
Another miscarriage of Justice for The Victims. I say God Bless the Victims may you find Peace and Forgiveness. To the Perpetrators may you be Dammed.
Find Peace and Forgiveness?? Screw that...remember, they were living large from the $120,000 they stole from you and your family! They don't deserve any "peace or forgiveness"!
Awhile back my daughter's ex-boyfriend stole a $1000 bucks from her and took off! I found him! He's missing three fingers now and my baby got her money back! Just sayin!
A dik
Paco, Tomar77 said "God Bless the Victims may you find Peace and Forgiveness" and "To the Perpetrators may you be Dammed."
You took it wrong.
See you Saturday!
Yeah, I got that Bruce...When I said "they don't deserve any peace or forgiveness" I was talking about the "perpetrators"!!
Saturday it is....hope it doesn't rain....too much!!
A dik
I signed on to be a GSC rep before all this happened. I was to get one personal bat to use for myself and three sample bats (26, 27 and 28 oz) for others to swing if they wanted. In league play I was to lay out the sample bats for anyone to try out if they wanted. The first red flag I got was when I asked how people go about purchasing the bat. Mind you this was in April of '14 I believe. I was told the bats won't be available to purchase until mid-August or September. Sell bats during the season and have to wait until the end of the season? No way.
The second red flag was being told for weeks the sample bats were on the way. I never received a single bat. After a while I just blew it off and the rest is history.
I never invested a dime in the company and feel bad for surf88 and others who did and I wholeheartedly agree with Tomar77's sentiment.
My team took BP with that bat...
Nobody was very impressed with it.
Most guys put it down after about 4-5 hits.
Also noticed other teams let the bats just set in the dugouts using other bats during tournament play.
My team was also allowed to hit with that bat at Reno one year. I didn't care for the way it was weighted. A couple on my team thought it felt all right to them. The ball didn't seem to jump off the bat as it does off a Miken. It was explained that they were not broken in yet (unlikely with so many people hitting with the bats). But the real reason this bat was going to revolutionize the industry was not just its performance but the promise of durability. No one was taking orders on the bats in Reno, so we just forgot about them and decided to wait until they were in production. Still waiting. And what a sad ending. So sorry for Surf88. Hope he gets more return if the money is found.
This is the last statement I intend to make on this topic. Thanks to those who responded. I think there were quite a few GOOD people involved in the company or who believed in the product that were also hurt. The sadness that so many people were duped over time was a terrible result. In our case, we have moved on and are thankful for the blessings we have received. I will not get any return but I am alive and that is enough. Dealing with prostate cancer has been a tough road but it could be so much worse. I was angry and could have dealt with this differently but elected to treat it as a life lesson. All of us are aging and this life is not endless on this earth. We have been blessed to play this game called softball. I hope we can play this game in Heaven. Good luck to all of you I know and have had the privilege of meeting, playing with and against since 1999.
Ed Andrews
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