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Discussion: Runner on first base

Runner is on first base and a ground ball is hit at the first base bag. Runner intentionally does not try to go to second and lets the ball hit him while he is standing on the base.
What is the ruling ?????
Runner hurt and falls down while still touching 1st.
The first baseman then picks up ball and tagging drowned runner.
Guy on 1st is out.
1st baseman then touches 1st base getting batter out to complete a double play.
bill.. again any play like this is umpire judgement.. did the runner intentionally get in the way of a batted ball or did he look like a deer in headlights.. "IF" the umpire thinks it was intentional and that the 1st baseman could have a chance at a double play then he could rule interference and call the runner and the batter out.. "IF" in his judgement he had no chance to get out of the way and the ball had not passed a fielder it would be a dead ball batter awarded 1st base and any runner forced to advance would advance
Thanks B.J.
No judgment of interference is necessary. Batted ball hit runner, ball is immediately dead and B/R awarded 1B.
SSUSA, dead ball batter is awarded first and any runner advances one base if forced to.
USSSA, live ball play on.
That being said if umpire deems runner on base intentionally got hit he could rule dead ball, double play, runner and batter.
stick8, what scenario would a baserunner be force to advance in SSUSA?
Wayne37, I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the question but there are several. Bases loaded no outs. Batter walks. All runners on base are required to advance to the next base.
Stick8, I'm asking when a runner is forced to advance when a runner is struck with a fair batted ball in the scenario of the original post?
Another question - runner on first - 1st basemen is playing 2-3 steps off first and directly in the baseline to 2nd - if it's hit to him does the runner have to go around? Because even without 1st basemen backing up at all to field the ball you almost have to run 2-3 steps towards right field before heading towards 2nd just to avoid a collision. And if he backs up at all you either collide or your having to go father into right field to avoid.
When and if does the runner have "the right away" to be able to advance?
Got a guy (yep, on my team)that will stand right in the baseline 2-4 off 1st and will "block" the runner while "trying to make a play". He either stands still or will move forward or back to get in runners way while trying to making a play. Runner has no where to go - out of base line or collision.
Great playing on 1st basemen or illegal?
OMD .. The defense can position there self in the baseline before a pitch and yes the runner must go around any fielder when they are making a play on a batted ball.. If the fielder happens to boot the ball or the ball takes a bad hop and then the fielder backs into a runner going behind him I possibly could have obstruction on the fielder because he was given the opportunity to make the play but didn't.. this is also a JUDGEMENT call by the umpire as to what he sees.. if the fielder stands in the baseline and the ball is not hit to him and he hinders the runner then I would definitely have obstruction on him
Correct me if I am wrong, but...
If a runner is hit by a ball while on first base, it is a live ball.. period
The runner is forced to go to second base unless a defensive player grabs the ball and touches first base before he touches the runner. (then the runner has the option of going back to first base or going to second all with the possibility of getting tagged out.
coop.. if a runner is hit by a batted ball while in contact with a base it is a dead ball..the batter is awarded 1st base and all runners advance if they are forced to do so.. the only time it is a live ball is if it had passed a fielder who had a chance to make a play then it would be a live ball play on
Wayne I have an idea but I’m not totally sure what baseballbill meant when he stated runner on first “intentionally did not go to second”. I’ll let him elaborate on that one.
But to answer your question if a runner on first is struck by a batted ball while contacting the base and it did not pass thru a fielder the rule in ssusa it’s a ball runner at first goes to second and batter is awarded first. That is unless in the umpires judgement the runner interfered somehow.
Here’s a situation that happened to me as a player. I’m playing middle in a 5 man infield. Runners on first and second, no outs. Hard one hopper right to me. The runner on second froze and stayed in contact with the bag. I tagged him, then stepped on second and threw to first. Miracle of miracles it was a triple play (I should have retired right there 🙂). I suspect The runner at second tried to confuse me. He was hoping I stepped on second then tagged him which would mean he would be safe. Like I said above I have an idea what baseballbill meant and this could be it. In my situation and baseballbills the runner is not out for holding the bag. He has to be tagged, forced out, or is out if two runners end up on the same bag.
Coop3636 thats the rule in usssa. BJ stated the correct rule in ssusa.
Dang, I've never heard of a ruleset where a runner being hit with a batted ball, unless it has passed an infielder of course, isn't an automatic dead ball. All runners return to their last legally occupied base at time of interference.

Maybe posters should start stating what ruleset they're playing under.

I'm sending them back to where they came from, taking the runner struck off the bases and awarding B/R first base.
wayne.. lol.. the rule set discussed on this forum should be SSUSA since it is a SSUSA web-site.. and maybe instead of arguing all day over mis-applied rules try actually reading the SSUSA rule book here is a link to it https://seniorsoftball.com/?page=7
Wayne, I think we can all agree if the runner is off the bag and gets hit it’s a dead ball out unless the ball passes thru a fielder.
That being said if a runner is on the bag and gets hit with a ball it’s dead and the batter is awarded 1st and runners on base advance one base. That’s the ssusa rule.
To address your point, ,in usssa the same scenario is a live ball, play on.
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