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Details for crusher

Real name:
James English
Wylie TX
Men's 75

Messages posted by crusher

Dec. 3, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: God Just Got a Great Leadoff Hitter

Johnny was a great man and a really great teammate. I enjoyed playing with Johnny and you.
Nov. 28, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Senior bat technology and performance insights

Lb16 a good comment.
This is a question l have. What is an average player?
My observation is someone that hits a ball 175 to 250 feet.
Sometimes will hit a ball out.
Played in and seen many hundreds of games and very seldom seen a bat destroyed. Have seen more 2 piece bats come apart than crushed.

Many new bats are purchased each year. I would be interested to know what percent was purchaseed to replace a destroyed bat or just to get a new one.

I do like to just get the next best myself for the fun of a new bat. I also do that with golf clubs.

Nov. 22, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Worth Wicked Pro XL Signature Series

Different bats with different batters and balls definitely breaks in with varying number of swings.

My 65+ day team got a new 2018 BigCat. The bat has about 2500 swings using 52/300 balls. It still is not broken-in! The ball flight limit is 295’ , do not know if distance will ever improve with the 52/300 ball.

Oct. 8, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule: 1.27 • FORCE OUT - FORCE PLAY

B.J. Yes l was definitely referring to the runner.

Dave, sorry l was not more clear.

Oct. 8, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule: 1.27 • FORCE OUT - FORCE PLAY

1. Zero outs runner on 1st base
2. Batter 2 hits ground ball. Throw to 1st to force B2 out
3. Batter 1 reached 2nd successful. Then with time still in play retreats to
1st base getting tagged out, Dummy
July 16, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: MidWest Championships

Where are the completed tournament scores for 70 major?
Found partial completed bracket.
June 26, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: New Anniversary Freak

Our 65+ day team got a Big Cat 28 oz for a team bat. (2018 model)
We only hit 52/300 and with 1000+ swings it is not broke in, however,
The ball comes off bat faster than with the Ultra II that is broke in.
You can really tell in batting practice because balls are moving much faster coming to the field.
May 30, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 11 on defense

The 11th player up the middle was kind of a shock the first few games at 70+.
Players that could really carry an avg there was all of a sudden making outs.
So, you hit somewhere else and sometimes the middle will open back up.
May 30, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Over running the base

Our league has runby on 2 an 3.
If you runby a base you can not advance.
To advance you must go back and touch the base.
Advancing w/o touching base is an out.

If you touch the base on the runby you can be tagged out coming back to the base.
April 22, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Runner on first base

Runner hurt and falls down while still touching 1st.
The first baseman then picks up ball and tagging drowned runner.
Guy on 1st is out.
1st baseman then touches 1st base getting batter out to complete a double play.
April 11, 2018
Topic: Associations
Discussion: What Home Run Rule you use in your Senior League

Our Senior league does not have a home run limit and has never been a problem with taking up time or causing big scoring.
There was a HR hit about 3 years ago.
Yes, this is ment to be funny, however, it is the truth.

We are Dallas metroplex C league for over 65 year old players.
We also use a very restricted flight ball.
Defense really comes into play. You have to place your hits to score.

Feb. 13, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

OZ40, looks like you will need to ask same questions about ASA bats if softball goes with the 52/300 ball because it will be the juiced bat. LOL
Feb. 13, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Today's "super" bats

ETDave, what is secret bat you use? I play Dallas day league using 52/300. Playing tournament with 44/375 l will hit ball out now and then. With 52 ball in 3 years on 300’ field - zip -. Oh, yes l cut the ball for max carry.
Also, have not seen anyone hit a ball out.
SO, what is secret bat.
Thanks, James
Feb. 6, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spot the Major + player

The biggest thing I believe that stops a HR hitter from hitting balls out after passing 70 is confidence. When you intentionally strike the ball correctly it will go.
A lack of confidence will impead hitting balls correctly with power.

Note: I am not addressing health, ok.

Feb. 4, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Roster Rules for Older Player Also Playing in Younger Age Group

Gary, as long as your 75 team stays under or at 3 ‘out of rating’ players you can play all season with both 70aaa and 75aaa.
(Dave will correct if l am wrong)
Feb. 4, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What are Dave Velasquez Top 5 Senior Bats

HJ, l am starting to think at around 70 nature puts a speed limiter on most of us. LOL
Jan. 31, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spot the Major + player

OZ40, the first player. There are a lot of player 2’s around. Very few Reliable Power Hitters, And he is a decent defense player.
Jan. 26, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What Became of 30+ Ounce Bats?

In 1997 l got a 97 Model 26oz Double Wall Demarini.
The best bat l had ever hit. We had great balls to go along with the bat.
Ray Demarini said the 97 model 26oz was the best bat he ever built because it hit the ball like a 28oz bat.
Jan. 16, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Miken Senior line for 2018

Alan, how does the Big Cat do with a 52/300 ball?
Jan. 13, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New 2018 Melee Reloaded

So, can you get a 26oz bat then get 4 pair of gloves that weigh 1oz 2oz 3oz and 4oz. Result would be a 26oz bat all the way though a 30oz bat.

A 26oz bat should provide more swing speed and ball exit speed. Is that true?

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