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Discussion: BP/practice

what do you do,when you take batting practice,what do you work on,how do you go about it,how many swings per round,how many rounds,how many days a week.do you attempt some fielding practice also,give us a take on your practice.....
Practice/BP can never be underrated.
Game swings are important, too.
Changing every 5 pitches is good to keep
from getting a "BP Head" which is not the same as a game swinging "head".
Good question, Robert.
Great Thread:

BP: I always work on my biggest problem; watching the ball make contact w/the bat.

That has always been my crutch. Amazing 1/2" of contact on a ball can make a big difference. Too low below center; big pop up.
Too high, weak grounder!!

Well: from now on, I have got to be more positive; I WILL WATCH THE BALL MAKE CONTACT W/THE BAT!!

Feel better already.

We always try to make it fun unless we are working on something in particular.
Sometimes we try to hit middle, yes we have a net.
Sometimes you get 10 pitches and see how many you can hit the fence, rollers that dont make a noise dont count.
Sometimes we decide to go pitch selection, it you swing at a bad pitch or dont hit it solid your turn is over.
As much as we love hitting, bp can become boring if you dont mix things up and have fun.
Normally the loser brings gatorade to the next BP.
During the week, I hit in the early morning to avoid the Oklahoma heat as much as possible. The guys I hit with - usually twice a week - are in their 60s. On the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday IF we are not playing, I hit with my senior league team (45+) in the early AM.

We hit 20 pitches each round and I usually spend round 1 pulling the ball, round 2 hitting middle (we have a screen) and round 3 going to RC and Right. I pitch quite a bit of BP and enjoy working with the hitters on what they are trying to work on by pitching (or trying to!) to areas they want to see the ball. I usually take between 60 and 75 swings per session. I also go to the outfield and work on my fielding and catching reps.
Is that why you're still a monster with a bat,
That's impressive and makes sense
when I think of all the times we played
against each other and how well you played/hit.
Have you been working out like that
all along through your career?
larry,obagain,tater,thanks,some good ideas there.i'm a 50-75 guy per day when hitting myself,100 or so if just hitting off a tee.we always use a screen for bp also,wouldn't do it without one.one team i played with would do 5 swings pull,5 swings middle,5 swings oppo,then the last 5 do what ever you wanted.like OB,we also use to do an out system,if it was a pop-up or something weak you lost your turn.i do like when not hitting to practice my defense also(like larry says) if we have enough guys to do so.

anyone else with some good ideas.
dang 208 looks,but only 6 posts,no one practices......
I play 2 to 3 times a week, that is the only swings I take, but I do run 5 days a week, somewhere between 2 to 6 miles. Quickest and speed do more for me then upper body strenght. Extra swings cause me to have a tired arms and a lazy swing. I know I'm in the minority with this but you asked.
Interesting JB-I am also one that takes fewer swings but I ride my bicycle 50-200 miles a week.I seem to get out of sync when I take a lot of BP-go figure.
I think the most important thing to remember when a person practices is that "Perfect practice makes perfect play." When practicing as a team, have people in the right positions to aim for the holes. I myself practice on both lines. Especially starting with no count, you have 2 free swings each at bat down the lines. If you get off a little and miss on the foul side of either foul line, chances are not going to be an out, unless bad miss and pop it up. I always have been a believer to visualize where you are hitting it before the pitch and do not change your mind. I never did believe in going with the pitch in slow pitch.
cal that attitude will get you nowhere with these bashers here......DOH,LOL..... i'm with ya,i try to hit hard line drives myself.i do go with the pitch tho in practice ,so as i can be able to do it in a game.nothing better than someone cheating you to pull and you get that pitch to go oppo on them.i consider myself lucky to have power to all fields,not webbie power...LOL......but enough to get it over the fence.to me my 305' is just as good as the 400',counts the same......sometimes if we don't have enough guys we use cones for defensive placements(or just put them in the holes and try to hit them).i think with the practice you subscribe to,makes it real easy when your the guy up and the 5th run or even the game is on the line,for you to succeed.

i do not like going up with a preconceive notion on where to hit tho,that seems to lock people up,specially if they don't get the pitch they need to be successful.
oops forgot JBT,with the way you hit, don't think practice would help ya anyways.......DOH,LOL..........
I disagree with going with the pitch. Some great hitters feel that way though.

I think a person will make more mistakes not knowing where they are going.

The plate is 17 inches wide and the batters box is 40 inches wide. Pick a spot and hit it there.

If you are jacking see the line of the ball before you hit it.

There are all kinds of hitting styles that people subscribe too, all can work with a great deal of concentration when you bat.
mad dog-webbie power???? 295 plus 10 feet for the wind???
Cal-a lot of the time anymore I just try to hit it hard on a line. The ball comes off so quickly that unless you hit it right at a fielder, they won't get it. It is a different game now than it was with lesser bat/ball combos.
Yes it is a different game. I still play a lot of tournaments with the kids, ASA and NSA mostly.
Joe, Thanks for the props - I just swing hard in case I hit it! To answer your question, unfortunately, no, I have not suscribed to the regimen I described all my career. I've played with enough great players to pick up some tips from them. Just hitting with Clatta, Berry Roach, et.al. from Virginia when I lived there was a treat. Also, when I got to hit with Gary Tryhorn and the Old A's the few times I got to play with them was an eye-opener.
BP, to me, is a lot more than just whalin' away trying to see how far you can hit it! I've watched several oppo field hitters and picked up some things from them. My biggest problem is changing my mind after I get in the box and the pitch is on its way. As some have said, the best procedure is to know what you are going to do before you get in the box and do not deviate from that plan. My worst swings are when I think I can do something with a pitch AFTER I decided what I wanted to do before getting in the box.
cal i don't think it as much as not knowing where it is going,as it being,see ball,hit ball for me.if it is an outside pitch it goes oppo,inside pull,etc.i have seen guys go up to hit and think about pulling the ball(as that is what they think their strength is)and get nothing but outside pitches and pop up.come back to the bench and said well i didn't get anything to hit,were those outside pitches strikes,yep,so i guess they had something to hit.i'm just saying keep an open mind at bat(or maybe a clear one).

larry your right about BP should not be a wailing session,but that is exactly what i see going on with some.then they get all upset in games when they aren't getting BP cookies to wail away on.also batters,don't bitch about balls that would be strikes in BP,hit them as in games you have to,i like to see my pitchers practice pitching in BP,throw those pitches like it was a game.i had a coach say something to me about it one time,and i told him if you want me to pitch in games this is my pitching practice,i'm not gonna get used to throwing cookies to hitters.
We started a BP club in Northern Va. with two guys about 30 years ago...This is what we do : We put a screen up and put cones at the 5-6 hole and the 3-4 hole. We hit in groups of three or four and take sets of four swings into the designated holes. The whole group will hit every ball into the designated hole. You lose your swings to the next guy if you take a strike or foul the ball over the fence.( that's more for fun). My buddy and I show up rain or shine
because you have to play sometimes in "poor" conditions.
This helps my mindset in games because I too have already decided where I am going to hit the ball based on the defence. We also work on the power swing(sac. fly for the base hitters) as well. If some one outside our group wants to hit with us they have to use our system or we won't let them hit with us.....
In BP I hit 20 or so balls at a time 5 to left, 5 to the shortstop side of middle, 5 to second base side of middle and 5 to right field. Or I might go 10 to a certain direction if i feel I need a bit more practice at it. I'll do 2 or 3 rounds. Once in a while I'll get a bit chancy and try to hit the long ball but I'll just say I'm working on my sacrifice fly shot lol
When I'm in the field I'll try to simulate playing outfield by judging balls, working on charging base hits, cutting off balls in the gap, moving forward toward fly balls as if a runner was tagging up, etc. Then I'll take a dozen balls or so and practice target throwing from the outfield--with my noodle arm it doesn't help lol
Then I take some infield practice at short, middle and second.
I learned all this from a gentleman named Bobby Stewart. Those in Michigan and many who played the A, AA circuit back in the day know who Stewie is.
Mr Manassas does run a tight ship. I keep trying to get a tee shirt but he keeps telling me that I do not qualify. Larry. I think you got some of your habits from this club. I do love this game let us not ruin it. Thanks Harry
here is another thought,has anyone used the 16" balls to bp with.we have hit them a couple of times and you really have to concentrate on your follow thru to hit these heavy balls.
Bob, are you becoming blind as well. The Clincher is even softer than the 52 cor.
That is a ball you don't need a glove for the OF.
well taits if you would take some time and read this thread,it is about practice,and using the 16" balls are great for practice,so please read before you post........DOH,LOL......
Oh, I am aware of what it is about, but your the one who mentioned using the 16" for BP. You still need to 'see & hit them'
I know you pretty darn well, I only 'questioned' why a 16" ball, it is kinda hard to miss them or get hurt by them that is for sure.
I had a co-ed league of 4 teams with these in the mid 70's on days I wasn't playing FP. Fun game for softball starters, especially women.
Stay healthy.
well taits why are you even posting here,you have given nothing of value.you never ask why that ball would be used,and if had read my post on them then you wouldn't even ask that question.i could careless on what you did in the 70's,this thread is about ways to practice not reminisce about the old days.
Robert, Now Now you are begining to attack. I believe that there are leagues in the Chicago area that use the 16" ball or used to. I have never seen a batter run up in the batters box until a teammate used to do this. He got his start hitting this ball and they did not use gloves. It may help some people but for me I would think that I would start to over swing and that is a no no for me. Thanks Harry
MD, birdie is right here. Stop and take a couple of deep breaths before you post and maybe reread before you respond. The dialog is going south real fast.
yes pricer/ birdie i am,sorry but there is history here,and he is an person of non interest to me.i ask for practice tips and such here not to be ragged on by someone...

i posted that we use the 16" ball for bp as it helps in your follow thru,my exact post below.

here is another thought,has anyone used the 16" balls to bp with.we have hit them a couple of times and you really have to concentrate on your follow thru to hit these heavy balls.

his response to me

Bob, are you becoming blind as well. The Clincher is even softer than the 52 cor.
That is a ball you don't need a glove for the OF.

i see nothing constructive in his response,but i do see him ragging........so hence my other response to him when he continued with nothing of value.......
Whatever the reason, it would be better if you started a new thread just for the two you too hash it out. The rest of us will leave that thread alone.
understand pricer,but personally i really have nothing to discuss with him,or want to.

as you see when joe came on and made a bp comment i didn't say a word as he contributed something to the discussion,on how he takes bp,and that is what this thread was supposed to be about,taits didn't.
I hit off a tee because there are no senior players where I live. I carry a plastic bucket that hold 25-30 balls. I hit 2 and sometimes 3 sessions. The first session, I'm trying to hit flat, hard shots as close to the line as I can. The second session, I incorporate flat shots with those that will either hit the fence or one bounce to the fence. Again, as many ropes as I can hit close or on the chalk is what I have been concentrating on this year. Between sessions, I throw the balls in to a cutoff distance for throwing practice.

I use the resistance stretch bands every day for rotator, shoulder, quad and thigh strengthening. It has been helpful for me.
finally back on track,ed i'm kind of in the same boat as you for bp partners,i do get to go hit on sunday afternoons tho(seniors all meet),only have to drive 30 miles one way.i do a lot of tee work at the local HS,as they have a cage so i don't have to chase them,and also use the BB field when i want to throw balls back in.have you tried the 16" balls off a tee,they will help in your follow thru b/c of their size and weight,also anyone try hitting basketballs for this same type drill,only fill the ball about 1/2-2/3 full of air.both of these are like resistance training.do be careful tho when first starting as you can mess up a wrist or forearm if not warmed up.
Ron and I hit Tuesday thur Thursday, two rounds of 35 balls. We set up 4 orange cones to represent each infielders position. We work on 3-4 hole 5-6 hole and the middle of course. We work on hitting the ball were ever its pitch. But for hand and eye, I use wiffle golf balls. hang it on a fishing line in the garage and tee off on it. Or better yet I have over 50 of those pactice golf balls and I just go in the back yard and toss them into the air and try and hit them as hard as I can. throwing them as hight as 7 to 12 ft. After that take a couple of swings at a 12 inch ball, you will think you are swing at a basket ball because the softball looks so large. I foucus so hard that I'm looking at the holes in the wiffle ball.
I always have them in my bat bag to warm up between games. Try those small balls mad dog, can't miss.
Oh yea, I always take ground balls at 3rd before we start hitting, Pitching BP is my workout for practicing pitching.Oh yea, I can Pitch too.
canljack,i have these balls from markwort,that are about the same size as a golf ball.they look just like a baseball tho,and i want to get someone to work out with me with them,but ya know as we get older we forget...DOH,LOL.....

when i went to the batting cages i would always go in the ones that had 25-30 mph baseball along with slow pitch and would do 2 rounds with the baseballs along with hitting softballs.racquet/hand ball also helps with hand-eye coordination....

you are so right about hitting those little balls then going after the big ones.....
oops forgot,there is a pitching machine that throws those little type balls,i think jugs makes it,and it is called the jugs lite machine..i think....you can actually do it in your own back yard.i seen a guy using it a few years back just before i left cali,he was going to phx for a MLB tryout.might need someone to drop the balls in for you tho.
well another thought here.....pitchers when you throw bp,do you cater to the batters wishes,or try and practice your pitching some.as a pitcher i look at it as,the batters don't get cookies during the game,why should they during practice.to me it just does them an injustice by throwing them hr pitches for bp.to me it would seem better for the batter to see game type pitches instead of cookies.also as a pitcher i don't want to get into a habit of throwing easy pitches to hit,instead of working on my stuff.

i wouldn't mind seeing someone ump for bp to help both the pitcher and batter.just some thoughts....
mad dog I don't pitch senior ball But I do to pitch a lot of BP for us guys in LA, I start out with cookies 8 ft. then I pitching all around the plate, short, long, outside, inside, and Utrip, ALWATS trying to hit the plate and hit those 4 corners of the plate/mate. I try curves, knucklers, slow deliveries and always a few 15'-18' rainbows pitches, for patience. (Wait, wait, wait). I pitch for my own practice and for the batters to work on their place hitting. And to swing at Strikes.
That is why when we take Bp you have to hit a strike or you lose a turn. We make a game out of it and ridicule each other but it does make you hit anything close...just like in a game.
canljack,sounds good,get them warmed up then pitch like it would be a game time pitching.....

Mr M,sounds like a good game to have,we also did the 3 outs game for bp,any ball you hit then we would vote on it being a hit or an out,ya got 3 outs,then done.oh an errors didn't count as a hit.........
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