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Discussion: Enough Said

Is the enough said as good as all the hype thats been put into it?I have one a 27 oz one piece with maybe 50 swings on it.It doesnt seem to be performing like everyone has said.Is it possible that i just dont have enough swings on it yet to break in?I would welcome any feedback on these bats
I have one with around 75 swings on it. There is no webbing yet. Hoping it comes alive soon. IMO the bat is nowhere near as good as advertised. I’ve been to three tournaments in the SE and have seen one Enough Said being used. One of my league teammates has one thats really webbing and his bat is hot but no better than some Adidas or Suncoast.
What made me buy enough said break end time is 100 to 200 BP swings and stop hitting it at BP when the webbing at lease 6 to 7". Well I'm over 400 with 12" 13 1/2" no webbing. At my swing the Suncoast is well broke end at 350bp swings with great distance. I was hoping it was as good as the DV's video showed. I believe it will get better. Just waiting to see when.
Just purchased their 854 one piece 24.5 oz. I still need to put more swings on it but it isn’t as hot out of the wrapper as my Suncoasts bats.
Is there any difference in any broken in senior bat vs another? Brand wise... I hit the ball hard and hit home runs occasionally at 65 but take little BP, as I can only play tournaments, ( no league). Take a few cuts before the game and go up to bat. Historically.. I have always swung one bat til it broke. Combat, green endload melee, and now an old Miken PT from 2017 two piece end load that has finally got some pop to it. As little as I am getting to play, I am considering getting a bat rolled, if its legal. I can tell when a bat is hot vs when its not. Having been given a 12 inch melee 2, 27 end load, I find its hard to get a sweet spot on it vs my end load 14 barrel, ( duh). So should I stick with it???
Since the Florida HALF CENTRY IS NOW CHECKING BATS i would sugest you get a stick that is a little harder to break in and keep a bat that is over the limit for BP.GET A UTRIP BAT,SAME WALL THICKNESS as a senior and in my opinion just as hot,and you get a warranty.
I compared it swing for swing with the Suncoast Blue Knob (12 inch half ounce end load) (12 inch full ounce end load): 28 ounces on both. After 50 swings...Suncoast....75 swings...Suncoast. 100 swings...definitely Suncoast... Now, I'm totally open to selling my Enough Said. Clean. No marks. For me, it's just does not live up to the hype at all. It's a good bat, don't get me wrong. But, a "game changer?" I think not.
I agree it definately isnt a gamechanger and maybe i need more cuts on mine to open up but so far it is a dud.I would like to know if they were prototypes people were swinging that say they are so hot.I wont completely give up on it but im close
My three favorite bats, Adidas Melee 12” 25oz. EL, I use this only for games, it’s going into its fourth season. Not a weak point on this bat. Second bat, Onyx “ENOUGH SAID” 12” 25oz. with a full oz.EL, I recently got this bat which has about over 250 swings on it. I don’t have full confidence in it yet, but what is interesting is the first hit in BP or in a game, that ball flies off the bat. My third fav. bat is the Suncoast Melee3 12” 26oz. 1/2 oz. EL. It’s the easiest swinging EL bat to swing. It’s such a nice swinging bat, my teammate bought it from me and his first hit with it was a triple. I really didn’t want to sell it but he made an offer I couldn’t refuse. With that money from the sale, I might buy the Kid Vega Onyx “ES”. From the description, the thin handle, 3/4oz EL and the barrel weight being 16.3 oz.for a 25oz.bat, that has captured my interest. The only bad side about it, it’s a two piece, not a fan. I hope to hear some feedback on it.
Montanapnc - Since no else replied about rolling yes it is illegal. I personally wouldn't do it.
1b16, When you alter a bat, as in shaving, that’s illegal. But rolling isn’t illegal because you aren’t altering the construction of it. I heard some leagues will do a compression test on the bat. The bat may fail a compression test if it’s rolled but overall I doubt it.
My understanding is rolling IS illegal as when it is rolled t comprises the bat much more that any human would by breaking the bat in by hitting a ball with it. If it would not pass a compression test after rolling, which would make it illegal why would it be OK to roll it?
I personally think it cheating but maybe Dave can chime in and give us the SSUSA take on the issue.
Rolling a bat is 100% illegal
Section 3-4 (6) Penalty for using an altered bat – If a bat is suspected of being altered to
enhance performance, a tournament official will determine if the bat will be
allowed to be used in play or will request that it be voluntarily surrendered
by the owner for inspection.

Rolling a bat could reasonably meet this definition: "Altered to enhance performance"

Bruce M (and others): There is no "..could reasonably.." about it ... OTHER THAN using the bat for its intended purpose of striking legal softballs, ANY procedure that alters the performance characteristics of the bat from the technical specifications at the time it exits the factory is considered altering the bat ... This includes, but is not limited to, "rolling", "shaving" and/or opening the bat to add or remove weight ... NOTE: The rationalization we occasionally hear that "..rolling a bat is just an accelerated breaking-in process.." is flatly rejected ... ROLLING IS ALTERING ... Thanks!

Shazam! Bruce and Dave actually agree upon something. You see, my friend, that's a foundation upon which to build. Have a great day!
Bruce ... Don't tell anyone ... Both of our reputations could be at stake! ...
Thanks for your input Dave. That answers the question but doubt it will stop some from rolling their bats..........
Totally agreed, Bert ... I've been pasting that standard reply for probably 15 years now ... And I'm amazed that people still roll bats (and worse) that are already the highest performing bats made for any level of play ... The compulsion to cheat shouldn't be that strong ...
Could not agree more Dave. Lifetime ban should be the standard for anyone caught altering a bat.
Just adding my 2cents on the Enough said bats - my first time hitting today after a serious thumb injury from 3 months ago and I hit my 2 new Enough said 1 piece and 2 piece bats that where brand new and hitting 44/400 balls in 75 degree weather we where getting 325-350' shot off of them and some seriously hard line drives and the bat we liked the most was the 1 piece. I still love my Suncoast bats ( I own about 8 of them) but these Enough said bats are certainly the real deal and will only get better with more swings on them - very impressed to say the least. I played major plus 50 and 55 and have not played in worlds for almost 3 years now as Im just starting back up again - ill be looking to grab that black enough said as well given how well my 2 white ones are hitting.
mnball, just curious. If you think the white one-piece bat was great, why would you buy a black one instead of another white one-piece bat?
MurrayW - The black 1 piece is supposed to be a different barrel and actually a hotter bat from what I hear - thus I may as well give it a shot to. As I said though - the white 1 piece Enough Said was a great bat and right now with about 45 cuts on it its as good as my 250 hit Suncoast 2021/22 M1 piece Melee3 12" end load - so thats saying something - now durability is another thing- will the Onyx last as long as my Suncoast do ??
I know a lot of people "altering" the bats by using harder balls during BP I guess.

Rolling just shortens the life of the bat in my opinion and it's impossible to test for rolling.

Testing bats would ruin senior softball for good. It's hard enough to find a tourney with at least 8 teams as it is.

Jeff50 ... In the order of your "opinions" ...

• I know a lot of people "altering" the bats by using harder balls during BP I guess. [AGREED, BUT TOUGH TO PROVE THIS TYPE OF CHEATING]
• Rolling just shortens the life of the bat in my opinion [AGREED] and it's impossible to test for rolling. [FALSE]
• Testing bats would ruin senior softball for good. [FALSE - We test randomly, mostly in the 40's] It's hard enough to find a tourney with at least 8 teams as it is. [FALSE - Rock 'n Reno will be the third event in the 2022 SSUSA Season with between 203 and 243 teams participating]

But seriously, if you are altering a senior bat you may need help. They are all super hot already and if you can't hit it well, it's not the bat.
Before you alter a bat in any way (rolling, shaving, tennis balls, etc.), I would ask you to consider your personal liability risk. Suppose you do something extraordinary to a bat that makes it exceed it's intended performance limits, or even if it didn't change the bat's performance. If you injure another player, you are at risk to litigation for willful misconduct or negligence for violating safety precautions. If the injured player choses to pursue legal action, you will regret having done such alterations. And for what; fly balls that may go 20 feet further?
▲ ▲ BEST post of this entire thread ▲ ▲
Players that alter bats are to stupid to care about injuring someone.
Name one tourney my team could have entered that had a 203 to 243 team bracket. Good spin though.

I run a few leagues, could you enlighten me on this test for rolling bats? Would love to implement it.

• Be more specific ... We have FOUR tourneys with over 200+ teams, and one of those is over 650 teams ... If you meant "Divisions", say so ...

• Many of the SSUSA directors were give a very thorough seminar on identifying a rolled bat by someone who is well known/regarded in the bat technology sciences ... I'd consider sharing that info if I believed you're not asking for the purpose of evading detection (I don't) ...

• And to cover your passive/aggressive question from another new thread today: YES as it relates to Brambleton Regional Park for the Eastern National's ... I'll make more specific field assignment decisions as we get closer to the deadline, but Phillip A. Bolen Park is currently under re-habilitation construction and likely won't be available ... That will ramp up demand/utilization for both Potomack Lakes and Brambleton ...
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