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Discussion: Verbal Interference

Can someone look up in the rule books of senior softball and define what exactly and who can be called for verbal interference.
While waiting for a knowledgeable person to reply.

OK, so let be specific. ground ball in the infield, player sitting in the dugout yells boot.

Verbal interference?

can staff or Dave confirm?
Judgement call buy the umpire regardless of any rule which is always a challenge if you let the little things bother you! Good Luck! Verbal warning at best for yelling boot! Behavior in any manner not in accordance with fair play shouldn't be tolerated. I've seen and HEARD a lot worse without consequence. Play with thicker skin,I guarantee the word boot has no consequence to the outcome of the play other than hurt feelings.
you wont find a specific rule to cover this ..I would not have verbal Int. on that... 1 scenario would be on a catcher yelling foul ball on a ball that landed fair and runners had stopped running
My favorite was a guy up his team losing by one with a couple on with two outs full count and when the ball is pitched someone from behind the Fence /catcher from the other team yells illegal - the guy doesn't swing called third game over.
if it was the catcher or "definitly" someone from the opposing team and I had the time to do it I would call out no pitch and then toss the catcher/opposing team player for unsportsmanlike conduct.. if he called it late and I had no time to call no pitch I would definitely have verbal int. I would award the batter 1st base since it was a full count.. and then listen to all the B**thcing for his stupidity
Well, I was always a noisy scorekeeper and catcher and was definitely never called on me. Of course I never said anything that should have made a difference in play. I am going to guess that the person in the dugout was offense and not defense? Not being judgmental, but that is definitely not the worst thing that I ever heard. Are you saying that the batter stopped running because they heard that? I certainly never called anyone on it in the games that I have done but also do not have rabbit ears. I did have a coach lose it once when I was at the plate. The ball was a dribbler towards 1B. It hit 1B player's cleat and went slowly towards 2B. I am pointing fair (my joke as loud as I can pointing with both hands). Someone yells foul ball. The SS was a smart man and watching me. He runs and grabs the ball and stomps 1B for the out called by my partner. The offensive coach comes flying out of the dugout. You yelled Foul ball. Sir, does my voice sound like a man's? Well, then your partner did. No, sir, it is not his call, and he didn't. Well, something needs to be done. Yes, I agree. Would you please go talk to your 3B coach and let him know that yelling that caused you an out? The expressiona and reaction were priceless.
I have been playing softball for a while now and have yelled boot as long as I can remember. I was the one who yelled boot (from the dugout) the third baseman of the other team let ball go through legs, they claimed it was because of my "verbal Interference"

I asked umpire he could not believed they brought that up.

after a few innings the tournament director came over a stated that it is verbal interference and I needed to stop doing that. "Senior softball rules" I expressed my disbelief and told her I was going to look it up.

Can someone please show me where this is clearly stated in the rule books.

if anyone is interested we where winning and won 31-16. "BOOT"
Thank you for the rest of the story. I was having a really hard time imagining what the supposed outcome was of that with the few details given. So you were on the offense, and they actually tried to say that you yelling boot caused him to not field the ball. That really does not make any sense at all then. A fielder does not miss a ball because someone yells boot, bull, tricycle, whatever. Yes, you have been doing that and playing quite a while.
ok, so what would you have said to that coach if you where the TD.LMAO

I am still waiting on official rule.

As someone who has umpired before I would have just had to smile and say play ball.

Well, I obviously wasn't there, and I have zero idea what the person that went to the director said to them. Neither that director or I saw or heard any of it. What I will say is that I would back the umpire. If they did not think that it was anything, then I have to side with them. The word verbal is in the rulebook twice pertaining to verbal statements which are not recognized officially, and verbally once for complaints (applies to SSWC only). In the 2022 and 2023 rules summaries, the word verbalized is in them in regards to umpires calling illegal pitches. There are some things about artificial noise makers, but the last time I checked you sound and look real. Have a good season.
grayhitter.. a TD is not a UIC they do all the logistics and run the tour. the UIC of the tour. "SHOULD" be in charge of all rulings pertaining to rules and interpretations of rules.. again I don't believe you will find a specific rule on verbal int. .. I'm going to steal a slogan DD always uses I'll know it when I see or hear it happen..
Nancy, thank you for your input. I am still not sure how it all came about, I have been doing that for the longest time "BOOT" and have never been told it was a verbal interference. I was told along time ago if a runner yelled something at a player trying to make a play, then that could be an interference call.

But never from the dugout. The TD was out of place and should know the rules before approaching a player and demanding to stop or she would have me ejected. I respected her wishes but I know she was wrong, unless that's a special or adapted rule for SSUSA that I am not aware.

Can staff officially chime in on this. please
Just wondering when I was going to get an official rules interpretation on this subject?
gh59 -Definition below copied from SSUSA Rule Book

Interference is the act of an offensive player or team member that impedes or
confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. A base runner must
avoid a fielder making a play.

if you are asking for an official rules interpretation on this subject from your 3/20 post (also copied below):

grayhitter59 said "OK, so let be specific. ground ball in the infield, player sitting in the dugout yells boot.

Verbal interference?

can staff or Dave confirm?"

the answer to Verbal interference? Absolutely not verbal interference

if you are looking for an answer to why a TD would seek you out after the game and tell you that it WAS verbal interference, just accept that they made a mistake. BECAUSE you don't know what story they were told. They may have been told that the runner bearing down on the fielder was shouting out BOOT BOOT which then becomes an umpires judgement call as others above have said in their response(s) above.

Sounds like you got a bit "butt hurt" as once again on March 23rd you are asking for an official rules interpretation on this subject. Refer back to BJ's comments where he quotes DD, (I'm going to steal a slogan DD always uses I'll know it when I see or hear it happen.....and i will add "that's the sign of a good umpire")
I suspect that this is the imp9rtant rules issue you wanted to talk about it over the phone. Here's my general feeling- Interference is a judgement call, so your interpretation of a play may be different than mine, the umpire, or a fellow director.

I appreciate our conversations but have to be honest- yelling "Boot" hoping to get somebody to misplay a ball is BUSH LEAGUE. Yelling "Boot" to highlight the fact that someone has already misplayed a ball is POOR SPORTSMANSHIP.
Tim, thanks for chiming in. first let me say say this I am offended by your statement bush league. I have played many years this game and have never tried or will try to be bush league.

I have played against some of your teams and have heard the same or worst said.

I am not seeking anything other to make sure I did or am not breaking a rule, on the other hand I am a bit tired and concern on the abilities of some of these TD when they make statements they are not sure of, maybe the should call or read before addressing rules.

Example the play that happened against our team 3 years ago in the TOC, where an umpire and TD stated that if a player goes after a ball and does not touch it and hits a runner that is a dead ball and runners advance. Really!!!

so a bit tired of hearing make rules as you go, not actual rules.

I will drop it here.

And you can close this thread.
Tim, you beat me to it. It is definitely bush to yell boot.
Grayhitter59, just remember that putting anything on the message board does not mean that will get an official answer. I know that Dave likes to answer these, but he has a tournament situation that is probably taking more than most of his time. Interference is one of those things that I call heart rules because people tend to get pretty bent over them. Honestly when I read this and your explanation, I had the opposite view that for someone to say that a ball wasn’t fielded because someone said boot in the dugout was kind of lame. I know that you were in the dugout and not in their face. I am pretty noisy during a game. I hope that no one ever thought of me as being bush league for that. Again Tim and I had different takes on it just reading about it. If we had seen/heard the situation, maybe either of us would change our mind. Maybe you should think about writing something up for consideration by the rules committee since it sounds like you have had this issue before which might settle it for you finally. Best wishes.
Nancy, Thank you for your comments, I just don't want to get caught up in a true rules violation.

As far as DBAX is concern, your opinion matters to me as much a grain of sand in the dessert. the old saying applies here "if you can stand the heat get out of the kitchen:.

Players have been saying things as long as I been play I.E. bad hop and much more than that. So yours and Tim calling Bush league is bush to me.

Have a nice day. :)
“If you can stand the heat?” 😂😂😂

Yell "BOOT" only after the guy has already missed it, but not every time
or you might hurt his feelings.
I haven't laughed so hard over a thread in a long time. Yelling 'Boot' is verbal interference? If I ever made an error on a ground ball because someone yelled 'Boot', I would be thoroughly embarrassed to admit it. If my focus was that bad, that's my problem. Heck, we were taught playing baseball to 'razz' the batter. 'hey, batter batter, you swing like a rusty gate.' We even yelled 'SWING' when the ball was pitched. Back then that was taught to us. Nowadays people get butt hurt. "awww, gee, I don't REALLY swing like a rusty gate." (tears ensue). Or, 'Gee, Mr. Umpire, I swung because the catcher yelled 'SWING'. It used to be that verbal interference was something that could be construed as the umpire making a call when he or she said nothing, like 'foul ball' or 'infield fly rule' which misleads a runner and causes him or her to stop or change what they are doing. When did that all change??????
I don't know if the boot thing really causes a miss, but I do know every time there is a ball thrown to the plate when I am catching, Webbie yells, Cheeseburger. He knows I will definitely try harder to catch it. Just sayin.
Mike, you must have caught most of them, for sure......just sayin'
Or you can say but not to loud nice catch "DR STRANGE GLOVE".. "EXACTLY"
Well, gentlemen, I won't say what my words always were, but if anyone comes to me and says that the offense yelling tricycle made the left fielder miss the ball after it had already passed them, I promise not to say what I am thinking to them.
Nancy and to all the others who chimed in, and see how absurd to even ask for verbal interference. Thank You.

Next time you here BOOT at a ball park come see me, we will laugh together. :)

Grayhitter59, my stupid joke has always been that they need a glove on their foot when they have a boot on their hand. Boot to you as well. 😎
Grayhitter59, I saw this play this morning and thought about this discussion. I will bet that no one cried verbal interference on this and definitely isn’t someone calling a word from the dugout. https://www.wsaz.com/video/2023/03/23/video-softball-player-creatively-evading-catcher-goes-viral Look over there.
Nancy, I love it.

reminds me of a play when I use to coach optimist baseball.

Runner attempts to steal second , catcher throws down, SS comes in front of the throw and cuts ball off, runner is standing on bag, SS tells runner it was a foul ball and runner heads back to first, SS tags runner out.

Needless to say other coach not happy, my response teach your kids to listen to umpires not the other team.

All's fair in love and baseball. :)
Grayhitter59, is there pessimist baseball?

The catcher should have extended her arm to get the out of the base path call.

At least there with these kids no one probably went running to a director. Maybe a valuable lesson learned if anyone is thinking about it.

My dear friend Johnny G used to call a game for travesty about once a month. I suspect because he would rather have a chili cheese dog than officiate the rest of the game. I dearly miss him, but I learned a lot from him and taught me to do the opposite. Never once have I said "You are out and stupid for trying to push it to 2nd". If I ever do that, I am officially done in my mind.
Agree with Tim, this is a totally bush league move and if you aren't yelling "Boot" to get the fielder to misplay the ball what is your reason for yelling it at all???
Dc, change your panties and catch the ball, I paly infield and have heard worse.

I know we are living in soft woke world but come on.

so if someone yells bad pitch you don't swing if its down the plate or if the yell swing you swing at a pitch they rolled towards home plate.

what's bush league about this is the world we live in today.

Someone please close this thread!!!!

Thank You
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